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a question about O/A Plates height.

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When it says 2516 O/A Plates height to garage, does it mean the garage floor to ceiling height will be 2.5m?

I believe the garage floor has a slope to drain the water to the outside. I would suggest to ask your builder where the O/A height is supposed to be measured.
No it means that the pitching point for rafters or trusses is at that height. With a typical 'stick' type construction with ceiling joists at 450 centres your finished ceiling height would be 2506.
With a truss roof set up with trusses typically at 900 centres there would be a ceiling batten fixed to the bottom chord giving a finished ceiling height of around 2460
Thanks Peter, measured it this arvo, it's around 2520 from floor to truss, so I guess my garage will have a finished ceiling height of 2.5m.
Replace roof, raise wall height vs extend

Renovation + Home Improvement

ok thanks - yes was wondering if that should have been listed as Option Three!

Fixing a shower head height mistake

Bathrooms and Laundry

I'll look into different shower heads and ask the plumber about some engineering and see what he says. Thanks

My builder made the wrong height door, what should I do next

Building A New House

i imagine you also have another contract with an architect? and yeah, whatever other's said about special conditions and appendices

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