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Paying off mortgage cheaper than 26 years ago

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I had this excerpt from an email I received from a local Real Estate agent about families keeping ahead of the $1 million mortgage.

Agents and lenders around Australia are finding that young families are borrowing $1million as the norm’ due to increased income and house prices. After our string of events covering, increasing wealth - with Anthony Bell and strategies for buying and selling in today’s market - with buyers’ agent, Rich Harvey, we found that perhaps there’s more to house prices than what we see. This exert from a recent Daily Telegraph article tells more:

“Paying off a mortgage is easier today than it was 26 years ago, even though Sydney’s average home price is more than seven times higher. This is the astonishing finding of new BIS Shrapnel research that shows meeting standard mortgage repayments in 1989 required almost half the average household’s income, while today it requires just over a third.

Current homebuyers are also spending less of their income on mortgage repayments than they did the last time Sydney had a housing boom in 2004.

Back then, repaying the average mortgage required 40.9 per cent of household income.

The findings shed new light on recent concerns about the affordability of housing, showing that while housing costs remain high, they are more affordable than in times past.

BIS Shrapnel analyst Angie Zigomanis explained that housing affordability has mirrored not just house price increases, but rises and falls in the interest rate…”

Today’s buyer is smarter with their money to ensure they not only secure the home of their dreams, but the lifestyle to go with it. For more information on current market prices, or if you’d like to attend one of our upcoming events to see how you can borrow smarter, please feel free to contact me or visit our office.

Keeping our clients one step ahead of the auction gavel…

(For the whole story, visit

The fact that the mortgages are so much bigger and the deposit impossible to find for more and more first home buyers seems to have escaped most of these " experts ".
I don't have any links to the Daily Telegraph or BIS Shrapnel as both websites take forever to load on my ancient Mac.

Its an interesting article isn't it - and you're right, it doesn't address the other increased costs of living that means now we require in most cases two incomes.

And definitely its very difficult to save a deposit while renting, I absolutely agree.
It seems like a bit of cherry-picking. In 1989 interest rates were at their peak of 17%, and a lot of people were struggling at that time, caught out with rising interest rates. The other date mentioned was 2004, which was just after steep rises in property prices. So rather than "they are more affordable than in times past", it is probably more along the lines of "they are more affordable than some particular times in the past".

Right through recent history though, people have bid against each other to buy houses, and pay up to their limit of affordability. So the real-estate values reflect some measure of what people have managed to afford. The difference is that now that affordability may be measured from two incomes instead of one, and in living in an area with longer work commutes. So real world "affordability", may differ from technical "affordability".
Yes you're absolutely right, and in that way the market does and always has regulated itself - or us...
Love how these articles talk about "household income"...back then families were lucky enough to have just one parent work which was the household income and 1 could stay at home with the kids....These days the household income is a combined income of 2 adults and a hefty child care bill. It's all just a load of bull...

Oh and none of my friends have a million dollar mortgage? ! Not even half of that!! Maybe that's a Sydney thing but certainly not on the west coast.
Definitely a Sydney thing! Old fibro houses are fetching over 1 mil in my suburb, It's so crazy! and building industry always catches on, so building cost just raise too! You're kinda have to catch up to that level of debt or you pretty much cannot build your home. (Hence the need to build for my 3 tots, they certainly will be staying with us for a longer time from the look of things! Gone are the days of empty nesters! The baby boomers whinge about doing it tough, so different!).

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