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Which shade of 50 greys?

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The light grey gets lost and doesn't show off your house. Can you go between the two
hehe and I like the white bits up the top.
I just took some more pics of ours in the full sun to give you more of an idea of the Foxdale

That's lovely rellie, it looks like a perfect grey.
Very nice house too
Two neighbours recently both painted in grey.
One used Taubmans Miss Molly, and the other used Taubmans Grey Bonnet.
Miss Molly looks like a nice strong 'neutral' grey. Grey Bonnet is lighter, and possibly reflects a teeny tiny bit of purple?? (Or maybe just that it is lighter in tone that it doesn't feel as 'grey'??)

Anyway, just throwing these out as options you might like to look into.

My 2c, I know it's so hard to tell from those mock ups you did, but I honestly didn't mind the lighter look - but maybe (??) instead of the white as a trim (to stop it from appearing overall washed out), look at a darker grey again, and then the really dark/blackish trim also as you have in the image now. Not sure, hard to imagine without really knowing the house and the reflective light and seeing some colours together properly. But again, just throwing out another option.
Good luck.

Thanks guys.......we agree the lighter grey is not right and doesnt show off our house to its full glory....

How hard can it be.........very at be honest I have never had a problem picking paint colours until the exterior.....and ive painted the whole interior a few times over
, but thank you for your suggestions Im going to grab Miss molly tomorrow.. fingers crossed

Rellie, Your house is beautiful, and today I accidentally grabed Foxtail....not your Foxdale....
der so thats why it didnt look like your pics.... :/

Will report in tomoz......

Kat n Bri
I'm sorry I'm not here
.....I'm doing a bowling club make over and its very time consuming.
I also work a full time job at Carpet Court, so as you can imagine I don't have a lot of spare time at the moment.

But I'm watching........

Have a chat to Dan......
Very nice house too

thanks suh

Knb, good luck, Looking forward to seeing how you go !
Hi all....Ok so here is my '50 shades' update.... or should i say '38'...(ill explain later)

Hubby likes both Foxdale and Miss molly, which is insane because they are so totally different

I think he is over it and says just put them in a hat a pick 1 out........Ummmmm.....NO not going to

Foxdale does look nice so i will do a larger section of this....
Miss molly looks great in the shade, but in full sun looks a little purple :/ so that's a shame as the front of our house is nearly always in full sun

Saw a house in a nearby town yesterday I popped a note in there letterbox

as of yet no word. I really hope i hear back from them, because to me it was near perfect. Darker than hubby wanted but he did agree that it looked great........I of course forgot to get a pic but i have to go that way on friday so i will get one then

I also just saw a pic on here of Resene 'Stack' which looks great also......Sorry I forget the members name :/

so im going to grab a sample of this also.....Now to explain my openeing '38'....

My local paint shop says their total for sample pots to 1 customer is 38!!! Gee i hope i dont top that
and they ended up going with 1 in the first 5
Have you heard of crazy cat lady's,,,,,,well i think im the crazy paint
If you're looking for a lovely mid-tone warm grey I would try Dulux Ashlite or Doe. Another colour I've used for a client is Dulux Teahouse Half Strength which has a touch of a green undertone but looks lovely. I've had a Queenslander for a client painted in Tranquil Retreat and it was very pretty. I'll try and take a photo on my way home this arvo to share with you
Thank you EthosDesign we already have Tranquil Retreat and many oher lighter ones

We have decided to go mid to dark to really showcase the special features our house has. Because of its proportions and different details we are now thinking that a darker grey would be ok , because once we pick out alot, not all.....of features in an off white or such that it will really break up the grey. We dont have any external walls without some details on it.

What do you think??
Ive just ordered some sample pots from Resene, postage cheaper than petrol :/

Ive ordered Stack as per picture, Tapa, half Tapa and half Gravel.
They say allow 5 days, dont worry you will be updated when they arrive.....its going to be a long 5 days because I cant count the weekend

Still no word from grey house owners, I promise I wont start stalking
Hubby spoke to the owner today and the guy was .....SUPER rude!

Hubby explained how we loved his house and his wife would like to do similar. He explained that we didnt live in the same town if fact we live over 30mins away.

The response was...why would i tell you that mate, find your own #$%^$# colours, I dont have time for this S*&t....and hung up on my husband.

Gee, we werent asking for the keys to his house,we were in fact paying him a huge compliment. so i guess we wont be doing that again in a hurry.
We will find our own colours mate but thank you for your help.....NOT!

Poor hubby
What an A$$hole!!
Yep PaulMac Major........ hubby was stunned to say the least......Its ok if he didnt want to tell but really, the way it was delivered..please....i would love the fact somebody liked my house enough to replicate. Maybe he was having a bad day

And even with the colours they may not have suited our house anyways.......:/
You weren't meant to get it then and honestly I didn't like it, his house is blah
(hope he's not a H1 member
) you'll find one better
we will help you, I think
Thanks Suh......And yes you are right ours will be better.....
Hi guys......update with my grey's.......

Received Resene paints and while we liked 1/2 gravel It was way to dark, Also liked 1/2 Tapa but in direct sun it looked a bit too green for me......

We have to have a decision by tomorrow...
...we have painters here to do a section of the house......

**Short version of our story: We had earthquake damage to some external and internal sections of the house and so we thought why not get the new section painted in our new colour....... thinking we have to just pick but I like Malay Grey and hubby likes Foxdale.......totally different I know...

Also im in desperate need of help......the painters are saying that wouldnt pick out the top beams or any other details in the off white.....

They also said they think that off white or whatever white was to stark against the grey???????

Im thinking if its grey then you wouldnt want to paint the whole thing just grey?????

Am i wrong? Just like white being to stark?

Please Please Help xo
What about a lighter grey like Heifer. It's the only grey I've seen in person.
here are some pics.. 1st up Foxdale, hubby's choice
(please disregard the

And here is Malay Grey, my choice, again disregard surrounding colours

Suh did you mean Heifer for all over colour or as trim colour?
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