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Henley build

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Hi everyone, so little background. We built what we thought was our dream home with Henley 6.5years ago. The last two years we have noticed big problems with the house, gaps around window sill where glass is nearly falling out, cracks, walls lifted, etc. Had Henley out 3 times. They found a broken sewage pipe right in the middle of the house which at the time they addmited was most likely from when they put the slab down. Only now they don't want to fix it and are saying the slab is wet because of our landscaping not a leaking pipe for 5 years! So we want to know has anyone else had similar problems? Have you won the legal battle against them? What action did you take
Thanks, sorry for the long post
Such a common load of bullsshit from sheet builders when they are mostly in the wrong, it's a common line, it's your landscaping, you need help from someone like building expert ( a forum name) who specialises in building disputes, very hard to tell exactly what has happened from a post, but a leaking pipe from build to now would not be good for slab probably has heaved, many other more knowledgeable forum members will know lots more.
If you don't get many reply, try starting with a headline like,
Have I got slab heave.
That headline will attract lots of replys, best of luck.

Somuchforthedream, you haven't stated what area you are in and your soil classification! It is too late now but if you are for example in the Melbourne western or northern suburbs and on highly reactive soil, a forensic plumbing inspection should be a prerequisite before handover but it is something that very few new home buyers do unfortunately.

Australian plumbing workmanship and application cannot be trusted and inspections of slab heave cases by industry experts has found that about half of all heaved slabs have been caused by faulty plumbing. Poor site drainage is believed to be the cause of many others but this is harder to prove after the fact and not everyone takes photos of everything during construction.

Joker is right, landscaping is the get out of jail free card that builders always play first. Builders also give new home buyers the CSIRO guide to slab maintenance but this contains non compliant advice about the required minimum slope away from the slab over the first metre but the builders then use an incorrect slope as a cause of heave to absolve their responsibilities.

I also strongly agree with Joker re the need to add to your thread's title to attract more responders. Henley Slab Heave would be better.

You have said that Henley first admitted that a broken sewage pipe was the cause, it is highly unusual for a builder to admit something like this. What was the person's qualifications who said this, was it only verbal and what tests did they do to reach this conclusion?

Your first step is to get a forensic plumbing examination to locate any breakage in an under slab pipe.
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