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Aspireon Build Eliza Ponds

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After months and months of planning our dream home our build has finally begun.

26th June 14- Visited display home in Wandi (fell in love)
30th June 14- Met with builder to see if it was suitable for our potential block
1st July 14 - Put offer on block
7th July 14- received quote and draft plans for modification to display house
9th July 14- signed PPA and paid deposit
22nd July 14 Pre Plan Meeting
1st August Titles delayed
15th August14 received updated plans
28th August 14- Plans submitted to developer for approval
14th October - Developers approval has been denied because of the carport
10th October - Final plans (carport removed)
11th October 14- Lighting consult
13th October 14 - Intelligent Homes consult
15th October 14 - Titles YAY!!!!
28th October 14 - Design consult (favourite part of building so far)
30th October 14 - Signed final contracts
3rd November 14 - Developer approval received
7th November 14 - Pre start
28th November - submit for building approvals
14th December - Land settlement
19th December - building approval received
16th February 2015 - Earth works
20th February 2015 - Plumbing and foundations layed
23rd February 2015 - Slab poured
21st March - Brickwork begins
20th April - Brickwork complete
30th April - Rendered front and alfresco (we didn't know this would happen, it must be because of the roof they can't do it later)
1st May - Roof work begins
6th June - frame work complete
28th June Rendering
5th July - Whiteset
10th July Ceiling up
13 July Lock up
17th July Kitchen in
19th July external paintwork commenced
22nd July Roof painted
14th August Tilers start
20th August Electrical switches and lighting
21st August Tilers Finish
1st October Internal /extrernal painting
16th October PCI
27th October appliances installed
30th October Final Inspection

Love the design. That curved entry foyer should make quite a statement...

Good luck with your build.
Hey Roscoes,
Think I saw you and fam admiring your slab last nite - we where out checking progress on the brickwork across butter lane.
Congrats on the slab.
What was council/developer issue with the carport?
[quote="Tristanium"]Hey Roscoes,
Think I saw you and fam admiring your slab last nite - we where out checking progress on the brickwork across butter lane.
Congrats on the slab.
What was council/developer issue with the carport?

It is classified as an outbuilding and the restrictive convenient states it can not be bigger than 20m2, it was about 24m2 we could have taken 0.7m off the back and the front elevation would have stayed exactly the same. Apparently the developer had several meetings about it as some where for and some where against and thats why it took so long to get an answer. The builder spoke to the Council and they thought it wouldn't be a a problem. We have 2 trailers and the restrictive convenient won't let us park them out the front so we are still exploring ideas for the area.

We seen you too, we'll come say hi next time.
I'm playing catch up, here are some images from our design consult
This was my favourite day of the building process so much fun

Progress shots of the block

Sold !!!!! First family pic at the block...

Foundations layed

Slab down

Hopefully I'll be back in 4 weeks to say our brickwork has started.
Love the design. That curved entry foyer should make quite a statement...

Good luck with your build.

Thanks Art, It was the curved wall that made us fall in love with it.
Woohoo a thread, and a slab! Congrats

Beaut selections too.
3 weeks ago I contacted Aspireon to let them know we were heading off on our annual Coral Bay camping trip...just in case we needed to know anything important before we left. We were advised by our lovely administrator Amy of a last minute change to our building supervisor, she promptly organised a quick meet and greet before we headed off. I met Dennis on site Thursday and he advised me brickwork would start Monday (Yay!!! for the brickies to start, slightly sad we wouldn't be here to watch it be built). We don't get reception in Coral Bay so we drove straight to the block with the camper trailer still hooked on. WOW!!!! we have a house! I can't believe the progress in a 2 week period. The backend is complete and at this rate I would imagine it won't take long to complete.

First curved wall is up LOVE IT!!!!
We popped by today. Looking great. Especially the view from the alfresco to your two long ensuite windows and the full length window at the end of the hallway, that's going to look awse.
This looks great! My partner and I will be able to admire your house from just across the road.

Best of luck for the next few months.
CONGRATS! I walk my dog past there all the time and marvel at the houses going up. Cant wait until my bricks start! Might have to go play "wheres wally" and try and pick out which is your house from the photos
CONGRATS! I walk my dog past there all the time and marvel at the houses going up. Cant wait until my bricks start! Might have to go play "wheres wally" and try and pick out which is your house from the photos

This looks great! My partner and I will be able to admire your house from just across the road.

Best of luck for the next few months.

Thanks guys, come say hi if you see us there. jlo1990 we are on Pallett av, I know the feeling of "I can't wait for my brickwork to start" it has now turned into "i can't wait till our brickwork is finished.

KJL where are you guys? how far are you in your build?
Haha you've just taken the fun out of it
never mind, ill still go for a squiz next time i walk past!
Hi Roscoes,
We have one of the small cottage blocks which back onto Butter Lane.
Our build should start in the next two months. Very excited as this is our first home!
The Brickwork has been completed, we are so happy. I was really worried we would regret some of the decisions we made...the house is perfect!. We loved our brickies and their workman ship, we are going to get them to come back and build our boundary fence and the shed.

I went to the block on Tuesday to take photos of the completed brickwork before they started the roof to find they have rendered the front and alfresco, we are thinking this is to do with the roof and that it can't be done after. Pretty happy with our progress. It feels like things are progressing fast, I can't wait to call this place my home.

Hi Roscoes,
We have one of the small cottage blocks which back onto Butter Lane.
Our build should start in the next two months. Very excited as this is our first home!

what a lovely spot looking over the park. How exciting being your first home. Let me know when your build starts.
I'm playing catch up, here are some images from our design consult
This was my favourite day of the building process so much fun

Love your colour choices. I've chosen a similar palette

Your plan looks fantastic, I especially like the shoppers door directly into the pantry and the amount of space in your backyard. Look forward to following the rest of your build

Love your colour choices. I've chosen a similar palette

Your plan looks fantastic, I especially like the shoppers door directly into the pantry and the amount of space in your backyard. Look forward to following the rest of your build

I had a quick look at your blog. I love your taste! Everything on there is my style.
Ooooh we chose the same feature honeycomb tiles in our ensuite
can wait to see them up!

The frame work has been completed. It took a little longer than expected...the roof is complex, the angles range between 6 and 17 degrees and I think a conventional roof is 24 degrees.

We are lucky the roof took longer than expected, we had Ambience Air come in and quote our air con for when we have hand over and were advised because we have limited roof space the ducts need to go in before the ceiling is installed or we won't be able to have air con. We have our air con ducts going in next week PHEW!!!!

Tonights visit...INTERNAL RENDER YAY!!!!!
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