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show me your retaining wall

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let us help each other with photos, information and advise on retaining walls. Do you like your retaining wall? Would you have done any different retaining wall?
I'm interested to see responses here.... I'm planning on a retaining wall and I'd love to see photos
Probably not 100% happy with it, maybe 80%, but for the price and by the time I get it planted it out it will be fine.

Limestone blocks - huge job - big bucks - tonnes of rock breaking and removal. I do like it as it's been done properly - didn't like the price though

the photos are not showing the full retaining as we are having a terraced retaining with a fence on top.
Looks good though Bags and it will last a lifetime ....
Bagheera, it looks great! Did you do it yourself or hire someone to do it?
Looks very neat and straight!
daveandally1 - thanks for the compliment but I'm not as handy or as strong to do it myself
. Those limestone blocks weigh a tonne each. Me and hubby tried to move half of the block to block some bit under the fence and we were struggling to do it.

The retaining was done by a professional with a bobcat with special hook. The digging/rockbreaking was done by 3 contractors at different stages as we hit rock shelf and we needed larger rockbreaker. Big job not good for DYI. Some of the walls have 2 more limestone blocks behind for strenght - so in same areas the wall is 3 blocks thick (1m wide)
im interested in this thread too, we are deciding what to do with our front garden. at the back we just have the grey kensington (book leaf) sleepers.
im thinking for the front to incorporate it with a letterbox
Bagheera, can I ask how much it cost you? (rough ballpark). My partner and I want to put a retaining wall at the front of our property but I am unsure how much to budget for it.
It all depends how much do you need done - mine was both sides of the property and the back line plus the terracing you see in the photo - we have quarter acre so it worked out as $24K including the materials and labour just for the walls.

The guy who did it for us is good - he's done a good job.
Need some DIY retaining wall advise too!
try google and type in "dyi retaining wall perth" - there are lots of options and depending on what you need you might be able to DYI - in our case the work was too much ... _Walls.pdf
Busy helping my parents at the moment with their retaining walls, the photo below is only one side and we had to put in around 30 posts. The concrete sleepers will arrive in the next few weeks so we have the fun job of placing 161 in between the posts. Fun and games I tell you!
More pics to come in the next few weeks.

Hard job if you don't have a machine to do the holes- are you cementing half of the pole in the ground?
Bagheera, we used a machine weeks ago to dig the holes so it made things a bit easier but we should have used 300mm drill instead of 200mm because some of the holes need adjusting and it's hard going especially when there is rock! The holes are cemented and luckily we have a cement mixer which makes life easier.
Hi Sebba1. Good job! Can you do this at my house when you are finished
Good luck with that secur_ed I've had enough already with retaining walls LOL. I need to do retaining walls at my place in a couple of months but luckily they are not as bad as these...I have respect for the guys who do this for a living.
I have respect for the guys who do this for a living.

same here Sebba1 - we are pretty handy but I wouldn't even think to try doing the job. We have a lot of rock on the property - e.g. had 4 trucks of rock removed from the digging - that's after we advertised it for people to come and take as much as they want for free. We probably got rid of 2 trucks that way
ours are a bit like Bagheera's and were done in 3 stages. the newest is around a year old. at a guess. I'll find some before and after pics from my blog.'

as you can see from the nearmap view we have a lot of retaining walls'

last lot done. Feb 2011

Earlier walls


Thanks everyone for this thread, useful info and the photos!
We will also have two retaining walls (one about 3-4 metres sloping from garage to street and the other 6-7 metres in our yard) so I am very interested in learning more. We plans to use bricks (the same bricks as house) laid on cement footings. I think. The builder's SS did say off the cuff the other day around $1K for each lineal metre (for the footings, bricks, ag line behind etc.) No idea if that is expensive, but one thing I am learning about retaining walls: they are not cheap! T
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