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Our Retreat - New House Build

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Oh that is good!
After a pretty slow couple of weeks we finally have a little bit of movement. The painter finally finished last Wedneday, took ages but we are really happy with the quality of the job.

But how's this, we have been getting in thru a window we close but make sure it doesnt lock into place, well we go to get in our usual way tonight and find someone has locked the window
now how are we going to get in, luckily someone left the garage door open and the door from garage to the house to get in.

Tiles finally arrived and made a start on tiles today, only did our ensuite wall tiles and made a start in the bathroom. I hope when we go back tomorrow they are grouted and the floor tiles laid, anyway a couple of progress pics.

The Electrical fit off has been done, all power points, light switches, antenna points, fans in toilets, smoke alarms etc are all completed.

And the best surprise when we drove up the garage door has been installed, makes a huge difference to the facade.

Garage door makes an enormous difference, looks fabulous

Tiles look really good and have been laid very neatly!!
Loving your bulkhead in the kitchen
Your facade looks great, I love the garage door
Your house looks great ring09, the garage door does make such a big difference
Everything looks just great!!!!! Love the kitchen, and the tiles look fantastic, and I agree about the garage door, your house looks
The facade looks amazing - well done!

I like the rectangle tiles in the bathroom.. really nice.

Funny that your little entry was locked... but you still got in through the door!
Cooped - Thanks for comments - I was really disappointed after our colour meeting regarding the tiles, they only had certain tiles to pick from for feature tiles and we soooo wanted them, but the selection was yuk and they wouldnt let us go to the tile place to pick our own. So decided to go all white and will add colour with cupboards, getting dark brown shutters, I have already brought dark brown towels etc. DH thinks the whole exterior is "dark" and the interior too "white" but now the exterior is all done he reluctantly says is ok, DD and I picked colours, he wanted boring colours and girls rule in this household, so he was outnumbered. DD & I are really pleased with the outcome, we have already decided we will render the piers at the front in some sort of dark greyish colour after handover (one of these days) As for the interior told DH to wait until we girls do what we plan to do, dark brown shutters, spotted gum flooring etc, he just says whatever!!!. All he is concerned about is the study and theatre room, he can pick his sofa's/theatre seats or whatever he wants in those rooms ( as long as we girl like it as well).

Lucerne - thanks for your comments - I must say Lucerne you have the best graphics of all the posters on H1 - love them.

Carlswil & Cous - Many thanks - Cous your Garage door wont be far behind.

Barb - thanks for your comments also - went back today and the hadnt done much more, I think the tilers have our painters disease - take ages but seem to do a really good job, so I guess we cant complain about that. Barb we also finalised our carpet today, we are getting the Clarence Square like yours, the colour we picked was 'Saddle' the shop was really good and let us take about 6 large samples to the house so we could place them in the actual rooms.

We love the bulkhead in the kitchen as well, DD saw the 3 electrical temp covers over the bench and said "aw their just ugly" I hope we can change them
I told her yes we are getting 3 pendants to in their place and that the builders just put them there for cosmetic reasons, her comment was "why bother people are just going to throw them away" good point I got those exact same ones in my first build 20 years ago
some things dont change.

We only have 2 more opens until auction day - cant wait for this to be over, I hope we sell as it's a real pain at this time of year, hectic at work, getting School booklists for next year to complete and find second hand textbooks, and Christmas i have not even brought Xmas Cards yet let alone think about presents, i am going to be one of these people out the last week and just go and buy everyone in one hit. So over cleaning and keeping gardens nice, etc, so fingers crossed for me girls next Thursday night, i think we are going to need it - opens have been pretty slow, I think it's also this time of year, people have too many things on with Xmas and holidays to think about buying a house, if it were me personally I wouldnt do it near Xmas.

Will keep you posted.
My carpet is 'Saddle' too, love it!!! Nice choice
Great minds think alike Barb - now why didnt I think of the Lanai.
Tilers are still there, they have done the wall tiles and have started on the floor tiles, will pop in during the week and take some updated photo's hopefully all grouted.

Ceiling insulation was installed late last week and Stegbar were there doing the measure up for the mirror and shower screens.

I think we are just waiting for the plummer to finish off and clean.

Then I just thought of :
ducted heating vents have to be cut out and installed.
Painter has to come back.
Pantry shelves, Linen closet shelves and wardrobes have to be fitted off.
Door handles on the doors havent been put on.
Kitchen doors - all the soft closers need to be adjusted.
One downpipe missing from alfresco area.
Great minds think alike Barb - now why didnt I think of the Lanai.
It's been a few days... What's new?
It's about time for an update....
I thought I posted an update after Cooped's message I dont know what happen to it

Not much has happened, they supposedly finished up last Friday, the tiler hasnt grouted but has put all the floor tiles and wall tiles in. They took away the rubbish cage and toilet. SS advised the plumber has been booked for 10th Jan.

Passed in our house at auction last Thursday night
will have to see what the new year brings on that front, all that cleaning for nothing.

I am waiting waiting waiting for quotes from landscapers, concreters, but I guess everyone is flat out getting jobs done before Xmas.

Havent had much time on H1 work is flat out, finish on Thursday and cant wait for holidays, really need a break. I'm glad you girls are all settled I did make sure I came on today to see how you both were going and am really pleased for you both.
Thanks Ring

That's a shame your house didn't sell. Good luck for selling in the new year.

Getting quotes out of people can be difficult. Hopefully someone calls you back and you can get organised.

Not too much longer and you'll be on holidays. I hope you get lots of rest.

Merry Christmas!
Sorry you didn't sell the house this time
I am sure something will happen in the New Year when everyone gets back to "normal", hope that you get all the quotes that you need and be ready to go after the holidays!!!!
Sorry to hear your house was passed in, hopefully you can negotiate a price with a buyer soon

Merry Xmas!!
any more news, did the house sell? Any photos of the new house?
It's feels like it's been ages since I have updated, I hope you all had a great Xmas and Happy new year to you all.

Hopefully some good news on the selling of the house, after it was passed in at Auction we had a young couple come to have a look after Xmas and loved it - they put in an offer,we accepted but was subject to Pest and Building Inspections and finance, we just had the Pest and Building Inspections done and they have until 19th Jan to finalise their finance, so hopefully this week we get some good news. Unfortunately the house market in our area has dropped and we didnt get the price we really wanted, but we are happy enough to accept this offer can get the house off our hands. They young couple are renting and want a quick settlement which is 22nd Feb which gives me time to get a few things done to the new house before moving in.

Had a walk thru with our SS last Friday morning and we picked up a few minor things which he is getting fixed.
We have our PCI booked for the 27th Jan and I will be pushing for handover on 4th Feb.

So have booked our cooling to be installed on the 7th Feb, Flooring booked for a start on the 8th Feb, they want 3 days to lay the floor boards and a day to lay the carpet.
Cant believe it's taking that long. Still finalising concreting to be done and hopefully will give the flooring people one day to get their stuff inside and book the concreter for 10th Feb. Even though we wont be able to drive on it for a week, we can walk on it after 2 days, have told the removalists we have to leave the truck on the crossover and walk the furniture in (it's only a 4 meter driveway, so not that bad). Removalists booked for Monday 14th Feb.

I cant believe it's nearly time, it's almost surreal, cant believe it's all coming to an end. So hopefully we get the good news this week on the sale and our handover of the new house can happen on the 4th Feb (as I dont want to re-schedule all these trades I have booked).

Pics from last year, I forgot my camera on the walkthru so will take some more this week.

Bathroom tiles - all pics are not grouted as yet. They look so much better grouted - I have gone for white grout and someone told me that Bunnings sell a grout sealer, so that is one of the first things on my list to do when I get the keys.


Kitchen tiles

Lots of finish off action due this week, so will post more soon.
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