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Highgrove estate - Clyde North, Melbourne

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Great initiative kylzpaul. I would not mind be present. Can I recommend, BPG be notified first on the intentions and on what the builder requires. An appointment can follow that includes stage 2 & 3 residents to discuss the options and rational in restricting site access. I got a response from Graham from HQ that stage 3 is still forecasted for September, but my guess we are looking at maybe 2-3 months out. I was also thinking of doing a soil test prior to settlement, but Linda at the time was adamant that it can't. She did mention that a compaction soil report will be sent closer to title. I'll draft the notice and post to get your feedback. By the way, are you receiving any newsletter update from BPG on progress, that was something Linda promised to add me to her distribution list. I guess it's a bit late now.
I'll just be popping in if I drive past, if I don't get a chance I'll give her a call on Monday. It's ridiculous they won't let us (or the builders) do soil testing, we can't go to tender without it and that's adding further delays.
Yes I've been receiving the updates, maybe you should give Megan a call and find out why you're not on the list
Well when we were originally building with Carlisle that is what Linda told them before any roads were in yet that they could come & do that. But when Carlisle started to be persitant Linda then started putting off. Stage 2 was meant to title Feb 2015 originally. I think it's best you speak to someone higher up, megan sai the project manager is there usually on her days off Thurs/Fri. We were meant to go see him today to view our land but we cancelled due to looking at the weather forecast a few days ago. Then it turned out to be not that bad anyways....
It's really getting beyond a joke & I don't think there is anything we can do about it!!
I spoke to Megan today and she said comms will come out soon but she confirmed that release dates hasn't changed. I drove past the estate today and they were working on the entry. Couple of weeks back the development manager drove me down to lothbury drive to my lot, they had already installed retaining walls ets for the lots and the road was cut as well.

I have been told by my future neighbour it's now Sept for stage 2, she actually spoke to Megan last week & also saw the newsletter that was coming to us. Megan also told her that it would be sent out soon, but I think they just leave things a little late.
I see, that's not good at all.

I would be interested in approaching BPG together with other block owners. I think if we approach them as one, there will be less chances of skirting around the issues and getting solid answers. ATM, we are getting individual information and it is getting to a point where there might be serious consequences for further delays.

I know with carlisle, there is a clause where prices and promotions can only be held for a limited time and if the delay goes beyond that, they reserve the right to change the prices or withdraw the promotion. Our Start date for now is December but there are other out there who might be in a worse situation cant do anything about it without specific information.

Megan told us that there is a some sort of a get together sessions planning in the coming weeks where they will invite us all over and show us the progress etc. Does anyone else know of anything like this in the works?

If someone is willing, We should plan on going to the estate together(maybe next saturday). This will help us get some answers as well as getting to know each other a bit more.
Apparently, a preliminary soil tests on the edge of Highgrove came back with us needing to get a H slab due to the soil being P2. Our site costs will be just over $17,000. However, a final soil test needs to be carried out on our block before this cost can be finalised... but our builder said to expect the soil test for our block to be similar. The land just needs scrapping so the site costs are mostly for the upgraded slab. A H slab is a floating slab or something??

I would be interested if anyone else has heard anything about soil testing?
Eyag - All we got not long after we purchased our land was a engineers report on the soil. Boutique quoted us $7000 for site costs. When we were building with Carlislie originally they quoted us $17000+. Don't know how there is such a big difference.

Arcain - Haven't heard of a get together from Megan but still waiting for that update she said was coming out 2 weeks ago now! In regards to the builders clause that would have been us had we stayed with Carlisle. We signed our PWC with them June 2014, so they could of easily have turned around now & said we are going to put the price up or cancel your contract.
So now we are with Boutique & our house has to be completed by March, can't see that happening either! So we will have to wear the cost that Boutique give us.
Would love to come to approach BPG with you & others but I am working next 2 Saturday's.
I'm in for a meet up at BPG office this weekend. I would like to understand on what's pending prior to release date and if these reflect on the forecasted date. what would be realistic title dates. Also, try to negotiate builders access for soil test and how far ahead to title date.
I am more than happy to come along ferdi. Is anyone else interested? we can setup a time that suits most people and let Megan know so that she can keep a decent chunk of time for us. I understand that everyone wont be able to make it but if you put your questions down here, we can ask them and report back on what the answers are.
Great idea. I will try to be there. Just saw progress update from BPG, it will nice to visit the land ourselves.

We bought our land in Highgrove June 2014. Within 2weeks we were called by Linda to come and inspect the land as it had been moved by about 6 meters towards Clyde Rd as Vic Rds didn't need the land at the front now. After insoection we had to sign papers to say we were ok with it. I assumed everyone that it affected had done the same. Oprationclyde says she knew nothing of it and she is on Lothbury Drive as well. Not sure why it didnt affect others. We are very disappointed in the long wait but cannot be bothered to search for new land, we have come this far so we will just have to wait it out.
We are building with Boutique & have been told we have till the end of Sept to start our build or we may have to start paying for the delay. Why should we have to pay for the delay, it isn't our fault, the fault is with BPG. Linda did warn us not to sign any contracts before we have a final date but if we hadn't signed we would have been paying more due to price increase, grrr
Welcome Lothbury 212
Did anyone go last weekend to discuss things & what was the outcome?
Yes, I was there yesterday. I did express the frustration from the larger group in how the delays are being communicated. Thuyen a new estate manager and megan were positively responsive to get that fixed in the future. I've asked for what's pending before land title and what's a realistic timeline for stages 2&3. Apparently there are 2 actions: stormwater channels, asphalt completion which takes 4-6 weeks. All civil works are expected to be completed by then and lodgement for release approval, which can take another 4-5 weeks if no more changes needed. I've also negotiated if during that lodgement window, builders can access the land for soil test and the answer was no. I've mentioned about setting up a meeting between future owners and bpg. Obviously they were reluctant, but were open in having owners individually address their complaints which are then conveyed to head office. The fact I was off the newsletter list, I was handed a memo for a drive by inspection for next Saturday to check on the progress. Anyone aware about this and attending. Hope to get to meet some of you there.
I was hoping to go this saturday to view my land but unfortunately i can't go due to a previous engagement. Would have liked to have met some of my future neighbours
Oprationclyde, could you plz take a photo of my land & also see if they have put in the parking bay outside the block that we were told would be put in. Thanks, if you can't don't worry about it i'll get to see it eventually, lol

Hi Future Neighboors,

Did you receive this update from Highgrove today?

Our latest title forecasts are as follows:

STAGES 1 & 2 – OCTOBER 2015
STAGE 7 – MARCH 2016
STAGE 8 – JUNE 2016
STAGE 9 – JULY 2016

We can't really hold on to their promise, our builder already charged us 3K for the site start delay and another 3K if we cannot start by end of October.

Please share your thoughts.

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