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Our new home

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They didn't charge us anything to extend this, the guy just did it himself.

I don't mind at all.. It appears great minds think alike. Hahaha
That's great, hopefully they are nice to use too. Yep great minds!
Land is getting so close now! We actually have a street number now instead of a lot number. Which is exciting lol!settlement will be early to mid November! Now if only our house has sold!

Oh and we have colour selection this Monday! If only I could see the exterior of the house in my head! Still having trouble with it, I can imagine the inside kitchen and bathroom etc but not the outside!
yes the big picture of the outside I struggle with too. the are a couple of places that can turn your drawing into a 3d picture so you can see what it looks like think it was about $45.

That great that your land is finally almost ready!.

Hope your house sells soon, we had the reverse ours probably sold too quick but guess I can't really complain about that.
Like colours is the gray the floor tile and white thw wall? How much extra was it for the wood laminate doors?
Hey surtees, sorry for the late reply.

The wood doors are standard laminate. The plain brown (it's brown you just can't really tell- browny/grey) is the floor tile and the speckled brown/grey is the wall tile the grout is grey and you can kind of see the tiles are a little browner.. The White tile was going to be the wall tile in laundry and the stone laminate next to it was going to be the bench top, but I changed to having the same wall tile throughout and the laundry will now just have a plain 'white' bench top. That will be interesting to keep clean.

Our land is ready to settle first week in November, but we have asked if we could hold off till the new year- hopefully they may say yes so we can save more, pay off our other loans more before adding another. I'm getting over it, it's been so long already what's another year lol. We will be building next year but when is the question!
Choice is so hard you can like something for a day or two then your mind changes. We are debating a dark bench top with white cupboards now...

Yeah I bet you are getting a bit over it although I'm sure the excitement will start again once the build starts. I just hoping to get soil test done this year so full contracts can be done then the actually building to start next year. have you had soil test done yet?
Update on land settlement, it's been and gone it was due the 5/11 but we have pushed it back to the new year and will settle on 15/1
gives us time to 'save'/pay off our current loan.

So we should see some other houses being built on our land soon which is exciting. We will be (planning to) erect a fence atleast on two sides as we Don't have a neighbour yet on one side. -- has anyone got an idea on how much it costs to put a temporary fence around the build and if you pay a set fee or per length or length of fence required?

I went for a drive to the estate and they were playing with the power so I'm thinking we may have lighting there soon rather than just light poles.

No further news on house- we just need to finalise our electrical drawings, once that is complete I think they do final drawing and give us official contract for us to sign. Husband thinks we should be under budget, even thou site costs will go over what we had on the estamite.
That great that you've finally got set timing even if you did move it at least it was moved to suit you.

Yes budget is the ever battle!
Any progress Sarah? Has your land settled yet?
Yep finally was settled on the 25th! You should see the progress on the estate three are houses nearly complete! Mind you they ARE S.immonds homes! They look completely done on the outside now, there is a couple of jg Kings going up too which is good cos we can follow along. Our block sits empty... ;(
Congratulations we've been enjoying watching a couple of jg homes going up too its great. Do you know when you'll start building?
Still can't build until we sell current house
by the end of the year atleast if we don't sell anytime soon! We will have paid a lot more of our house/car loans off that we can afford to keep this house and rent it out but currently it wouldn't be financially viable! It's hard with the new house plans as well, I've asked hubby often at what stage do they give us a final price- that price has to be within budget and if it goes over we have to change things, which means they are going to charge us to change things..annoyingly frustrating! It should be in budget but who knows :s hahaha.. Arghhhhh! How's you lot going, I see you settled today also!
Between us signing with jg king and paying the inital $1500 we got the colours book and it had prices etc to give us an idea of upgrades well we went to our actual colours appt in december (which was about 5 months later) and a lot of the prices had gone up, some things quite a bit. Our original choice of bricks was ironstone as free cat 1 but went to cat 2 just because it was popular :/ Hubby keeps saying he wishes we had've done colours appt sooner to get the cheaper prices etc. Moral of my long boring story, dont wait to long prices only ever go up unfortunately.
Good luck selling your house!

Yeah we have been signed over 12 months possibly longer I don't remember. They have told us 6 months on current contract price and then they will have to change prices to suite the price rise.. So hoping we sell before then. We have the prices from the first contract thing and the rai's with all our changes and we have been estimating from that final price- we don't have final price thou on soil testing even thou it was done, So have just based it off getting over it! Hahaha
Yeag i cant wait.for contract.stage to be the build can.just begin
I agree!! Hahah
Hey Sarah any luck with selling your house? Hope you have had a buyer come.up with the cash.
Had a few ppl come through last week and a couple more coming thru later in the week, only one offer but not enough.. Arghhhh so frustrating!
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