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Is anyone building at Mawson Green, Meadows SA?

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I know it was crazy! Hopefully it's faster than 24 weeks for you, but yeah they all shut for 4 weeks over Christmas!

Sure I will post them later when I have his number handy. He doesn't concrete though, just paving, retaining etc and landscaping. We wanted dark concrete too but we noticed some had cracked already and also it was out of our budget-cheapest we could find was $70m2, so for the driveway and perimeter paving it was nearly 12k, so we had to go with paving instead. oh well. I'll get used to it I guess.

It's a lovely drive isn't it!
How exciting that your driveway was getting done! We are going through Noarlunga flooring and having dark grey carpet and spotted gum laminate floorboards for the rest of the house. Our site supervisor is Randall Lindsay...does that ring any bells? Went out today and our windows are in and bricks have started! When they get a move on they move fast! What colour are your carpets?

our paver is Brian, his number is 0417 820 396

Oh awesome! They sure do move fast! I found it went super fast until the kitchen went in, then it seemed to slow down.

I have met Randall! He's nice! He came to my PCI as they thought there was an issue with the kitchen and he is a cabinet maker. They were going to rebuild half my kitchen-turns out there was no issue at all hehe! He was telling me a few stories - I don't think you'll have issues with him, sounds like he likes things to be perfect. Our SS came here today and is addressing the issues for us. I found most (not all-some were fantastic) office staff pretty average or below but the SS well and truly made up for everything else! I would honestly build with them again.

I'll upload a few pics to photo bucket and link it here. I havent taken many pics yet as I have been waiting for the rooms to be unpacked. Nothing on the walls yet, so all pretty boring.

Our carpets are charcoal-almost black! Bit of a shock but I think I will like them. We were going to have spotted gum in the planks, then I decided on country oak instead and I love them! ... show/House
Oh really!? Ha that's funny, what a small world! We haven't met him yet so that's good to hear!

Good to hear your SS is addressing the issues. We have found most staff to be ok....but since being in the construction phase, we have noticed a bit of a lull in service. That's awesome that you would build with them again. So far we've had a great experience and haven't had any major issues (although we are only just starting - don't want to jinx it!)

Oooh charcoal carpets! Love! Are they darker than this:?

This ^ is ours.. I would have easily gone darker...

And our flooring:

So is the oak lighter? That sounds lovely!

Looks like it's coming along nicely! FYI there are other pics also showing up

lol-yeah I realised and deleted it but you ladies got in quick hehe! Fixed it now!
Pics I forgot were even there- they are from way back in 2008!!
Haha yeah just doing my bed time reading!

Are your bricks Austral Grange? We have Austral Grange and I'm worried about what they will look like...

Shell01 - which block is yours again? Which builder?

Ours are Austral Nougat, I kind of wish we had gone a bit lighter but eventually I would like to have the brick at the front covered in the boards and painted like the bit under the verandah. We are repainting the verandah and door as I hate them
Ah ok. Yeh I am worried ours look a bit brown. But yes at least there's always render or boards

We're lot 70 - builder is Hickinbotham. Hoping to see at least a toilet out front when I do a drive by on the weekend!!

So our frame is almost all up already!
That was far quicker than I expected. I'll give our site supervisor a call tomorrow as I haven't heard from him yet, and get the goss on ETAs from here. I don't know if that means that we can expect a roof before the December break or not, which would be very exciting!

Next door (Lot 53) was being cut today, which is also rather exciting. Does anyone know the owner of 53? If so can you PM me and I'll give you my details to pass on to them. I'd like to touch base with them at some stage about the retaining wall between us.

Oh and JakkiT, did you guys buy in water for your move-in or have you been catching the recent rain? If you bought some in, do you have the details of the company you used? We're way off the tanks going in, but hopefully they'll be in before winter, which means no water for us unless we buy it in!
We're lot 70 - builder is Hickinbotham. Hoping to see at least a toilet out front when I do a drive by on the weekend!!

We sticky-beaked at your block today, Shel, and no toilet yet! We were trying to figure out what you need to do with your split... is it because you slope up at the front? Or were we looking at the wrong Lot 70?

(And yeah... we sticky-beak at everyone's block whenever we go up there
Yours is moving very fast Rhonda! I would imaine your roof will go on next week. it's about 4 weeks until they shut up so I would say by then you will most likely have: roof/gutters, windows, 1st fix plumbing, 1st fix electrical and possibly insulation and gyprock. I think they would maybe want to get to lock up stage to avoid theft?! I am hearing it's pretty bad. We had stuff taken and even the day before handover we have 1-yep ONE light bulb taken from outside-weird/desperate! There are always guys up here taking from the skips (and dumping loads and loads of rubbish in them-especially at night) and taking stuff like timber and bricks!

We did get some water in, we got 9000l for $225 from Andys Water 0411 208769
Somewhere I have a list of all the companies with their pricing. One does 20,000l for $450 but they need 3 days notice, Andys only need to know by 12pm for same day delivery.
So far we have collected about 4-5000l since we put the tanks in. Not bad, but not enough to keep us going. They say an average family uses 9,000 a month
Oh wow I wasn't even thinking it would move quite THAT fast! I guess we'll see what the site supervisor tells me tomorrow.

We were actually driving behind an Andy's Water truck today and snapped a photo with his number on it! It's good to know that they can do short notice too. I'll keep that in mind.
We're lot 70 - builder is Hickinbotham. Hoping to see at least a toilet out front when I do a drive by on the weekend!!

We sticky-beaked at your block today, Shel, and no toilet yet! We were trying to figure out what you need to do with your split... is it because you slope up at the front? Or were we looking at the wrong Lot 70?

(And yeah... we sticky-beak at everyone's block whenever we go up there

Yeah the slop at the front. If they cut the block like they normally would, means our driveway would be too steep and cars would scrap.

Don't worry I like to sticky beak @ what's going on around the place too

Hi Rhonda your neighbour at 53 is Cindy and our neighbour (lot51) is very good friends with her so will tell him you are interested in contacting her and he can let me know what she wants to do. Bit worried about all this theft going on as we are having sleepers and steel delivered Fri and this is our own cost (not included in build) and to think when we signed for the block Ben (Devine) told me I wouldn't need security screen doors after all this is Meadows (dream on Ben!).
Thanks Vogue, Lot 51 has contacted me so Cindy will be able to get a hold of us when she needs to.

And that sucks about your sleepers and steel! If it's your own cost then does that mean it's not covered by the builder's insurance? Hopefully it all stays safe! Having said that, both our retaining wall steel/sleepers AND our house steel sat down there over a weekend, and there was nothing said to us about anything being stolen. Hopefully it's too heavy for them to think about stealing, especially as you are a bit closer to the intersection AND have two close neighbours already moved in.
Anyone building with Zac Homes?

Building A New House

Wish you all the best. Once you signed the contract, they will find millions excuses to charge you. And have seen their sites unfinished for a long time.

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