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Charlibear's Build -Finally in!

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Your pup is ridiculously adorable Von!!

I can't wait till Charli gets one too!! Photos! More photos!!

Can't believe your mattress hasn't come yet Charli, how annoying!! Loving those pots. I wanted something like that but just couldn't find anything.

thanks dawn. I can't get enough of her. My poor birdies ate suffering now because I don't pay as much attention to them any more.
Just realised I spelt mischa wrong

Coral Homes Avoca 25 in Gainsborough Greens Gold Coast


I feel the same with my bunny, ever since I got the cats I don't spend as much time with him, BUT he has his girlfriend so he ignores me too XD
I feel the same with my bunny, ever since I got the cats I don't spend as much time with him, BUT he has his girlfriend so he ignores me too XD

It's nice when they have a girlfriend or boyfriend hey. I'm worried about my birds. My male was exhibiting building a nest behaviour in our bed. It's spring. Hoping they haven't been naughty

Coral Homes Avoca 25 in Gainsborough Greens Gold Coast


Hey Charliebear how is settling in going? All settled down? Just a question, does the Frankie couch ottoman open up for storage? It's the first couch hubby and I have agreed on
Hey Charliebear how is settling in going? All settled down? Just a question, does the Frankie couch ottoman open up for storage? It's the first couch hubby and I have agreed on

Hey Abuild, the frankie does have clips on the bottom to lock the individual pieces in. It's soooo comfy I love it!!!
Soooo finally the mattress for miss 5 arrived!!

I am still on the hunt for bed side tables for her... also some whimsical art, does anyone have any good artwork websites?

Half of our outdoor setting is up too
did it without hubby's help, feeling like Wonder Woman
apart from the part where my back is killing like a b!tch

Some more exciting things, I purchased a steam mop
and an iron lol
i'm looking for some artwork too! Just one biggish one for the dining room I want a real painting not a print and I don't want to spend a fortune.... I could always paint it myself but its been since i've done anything arty and probably wouldn't like it. I also can't find anything I like, or don't know where to look.

Miss 5's bed set up looks fantastic! If only I could do something like that for my 3 masters- I fear they will just trash it though (I've already advised them they will wearing nappies in the new house

Love the table setting- well done on setting it up by yourself! Cant have been an easy job. Are you guys going to do something with your bricks? We have a couple of pallets left over and have asked to keep them so we can build a BBQ or mail box, but I fear they will remain there unused because hubby can't (won't?) do that kind of thing.

Steam mops are good
Hope you’re settling in, everything looks great, the outdoor chairs look really comfy
Soooo finally the mattress for miss 5 arrived!!

I am still on the hunt for bed side tables for her... also some whimsical art, does anyone have any good artwork websites?

Looks gorgeous! Check out grotti lotti for art! ... are_type=t
Wow miss 5 will never want to leave her room
are you a member of home decorating Mummas they always have girls bedrooms on there & share where they get artwork from
love yr outdoor setting too

Wow her bedroom looks divine!
My friend just had this delivered for her daughters room...her work is gorgeous.
It's from

Looking great Charli!!!! Miss 5s bed is so cute.

Good work on the outdoor setting.
Sorry I’ve been MIA, I haven’t really had anything to update...

Our new bed cover arrived a little while ago before and after shots



The bobcat was dropped off yesterday for our drainage works to start and to redo our driveway because it was only temporary so we could continue with the build... $5k later

The excavator and compact roller will be dropped off tomorrow at some stage ready to start on Tuesday.

Omg the grass is growing crazy, the neighbours are a bit weird about us paying to have our lawn mowed and have come and tried to make us counter offers but with their conditions lol... um no, the guy we use is great and he does everything at a set price where as the neighbours have offered to do it at his price but we will need to brush cut around the fence and trees lol bizarre.

But the best news of all...

Our puppy was born over the weekend!!!

We are using the same breeder as Von, not sure which is ours yet or what gender but we are happy just as long as we get a puppy. Can’t wait to have a little GSD running around

What a nice Christmas present

Wow, that is weird.. so they want to cut your lawn for you? But you have to pay them, and they want to do it their way? Even though you already have someone... your neighbors are odd.

Love the new bedspread, suits much better.

Geez neighbours can be weird. Ours fills our bin without asking and wont let us park in front of our own garage, but lets their visitors park in front of our garage....
Sorry but the first thing I spied in the after shots were your fabulous shoes!!

As for your neighbours, yeah weird?! I probably would rather have weird (but communicative, friendly?) neighbours than ones that dont bother introducing themselves at all and keep to themselves lol. But I hope the don't become dictators with everythjnv else. Are these the same ones that had the problem with the stormwater?

Lovely to see you again on here! Lovely bedroom...
Neighbours? Give them an inch and they'll want to take over your world...stick to your guns. Be polite but keep them at arms length...
Hope driveway comes along well.
We've loved seeing your updates on Insta, so glad you're loving your new home!
Congrats on puppy
love your bedroom too

Congrats on puppy! and that bedroom is looking great!! Have either of you hit your head on those pendants yet?! I'm sure a cat might love to give them a swat... hehe
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