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Lucere estate at Leppington

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Rawson has assigned SS and he emailed me to inform that the slab will be done by mid Feb. Hope everyone else is also progressing with the build.

I had a bad experience during the pre construction phase. The admin officer didn't agree to show me all DA documents and they had external colour that I didn't approve of in the approved DA. After much hassle they agreed to go through variation but then I dropped for the fear of further delay.

Lesson learnt now, make sure to ask full documents before DA is submitted and check everything.

Also council used the new application portal for DA and exposed my personal data. Many of you who are building through Rawson was exposed. (Rob, yours was too). I reported to privacy officer at council and they just did a cover up, blamed the new system and apogize. It was Council’s fault and not Rawson although Rawson could have been careful in submitting clients data.

And welcome to belindaboni!, will I also get muffins?
I have had the worst experience. The site manager called me and said my slab would be down end of jan then emails me and said end of Feb and wrote i never said to you January. I've just been fibbed to non stop. Such a horrible experience. Andy, of course you can have muffins! What's the information about the personal details?

Also, I received a receipt from the council incorrectly but it had so many other peoples receipt and all their personal info. They are like oh just send it back. I'm like what in earth are you doing sending me everyone personal details, your lucky im not a bad person!

I think I won't be in my house until the end of the year.
Hey guys,

Yeah I was assigned a SS as well, he emailed me to say I would have piering done today (I wonder if it was done actually) and slab on the 15th. To be honest my experience has been fine (but nothing more than that) - the worst thing I had to face was one or two weeks of nothing followed by "please review this plan ASAP" and I was always wary not to just sign them as the new plans always supersede the old ones. The Thrive home have really shot up and the Clarendon on the top of the hill also had its slab poured well before Christmas so seriously amazed how slow Rawson has been in comparison, I feel like I paid top dollar for the house compared to the price of the H&L packages out there today.

I did notice that some of my data did come up when I searched the DA database on LCC's website. I think it was just the postal address but can't recall if it included phone number etc. Honestly I didn't know whether that was standard or not so I'm disappointed to hear it wasn't - thanks for reporting it!

Belinda I'm sorry to hear you've had some rubbish luck with this process, even for me it's been now 2 years since I bought this place and was meant to have the keys 6 months ago but here we are with some dirt and a few dates.

I was told (way back now) that the build takes 33 weeks. I assume they would count that from around now so Belinda I would say you're right. I really hope in a year's time we can look back at this right now and laugh
Re the personal details leak: Liverpool council implemented online fast track DA application process in Dec and Rawson was not trained on how to submit the DA documents. So Rawson posted all documents including our signature, address, mobile number etc in the application which was available publicly. Also in this process the DA confirmation went to our email address instead of Rawson's. That's where Belinda might have received other applicants documents.

Rawson said it was Council’s fault. I complained through formal process to the privacy officer of council and they blamed on new IT implementation and apologized to me. They also removed the link soon afterwards.

Rob, who is you SS? Mine is Douglas G
Mine is Douglas G. Not impressed. He's actually a little rude.
That is a lot of personal info to leak, and poor form on Council's part. Yes I received an invoice for DA lodgement (only mine!) and notified Rawson right away.

I have him too - I don't want to judge yet but the first email I received from him said more about not bothering him than anything else. I wonder how many of our sites he is managing - maybe all the Rawson Stage 1 builds? Or maybe our street? What's most important to me is he does his job well so fingers crossed.
That is really poor form on the part of the Council, leaking personal info.

We are still waiting for DA approval, the due date came and went and our pre-construction contact is hopeless at passing on information, despite me emailing and calling to find out what is going on... I'm wondering at what point do I complain to her manager? I don't want to cut my nose off to spite my face, especially if she is going to have any control over when the builder will start on site (when our DA is eventually done).

Sigh. I hope everyone else's build is going according to plan.
Hey guys just an update my pillars went down last week and slab due to go down by end of Feb yay
Hooray Belinda! that is great news.

Our assessing officer at council decided to take leave for two weeks instead of doing our site inspection and DA report LOL

So who knows how much longer we will be waiting... we are just trying to retain our sense of humour and roll with the punches at this point.
Hello All,

Construction of my Lot 128 (Thrive) has completed Brickwork now , not sure if its too early but i am looking for the owners from 127 and 129 Lots so we can have a chat around putting side fences.

Please let me know if someone has the details.

Sarah that's terrible!! I finally got my slab down (among most others who are building with Rawson) on Thursday - finally some real progress!
As i expect to be moving by Mid 2018, looking a primary school for my kid. Does any has any reviews for Leppington Public school ? or knows any other good school nearby ? TIA.
Hi guys, we are building with Rawson on Propellor ave. Glad to see future neighbors here on the forum

We have no experience / knowledge whatsoever about building a house. I just wanted to ask, did any of you guys hire a third party inspector during construction? Would Rawson allow it, and what are the chances of them fixing any faults that may be found?
Hi guys, we are building with Rawson on Propellor ave. Glad to see future neighbors here on the forum

We have no experience / knowledge whatsoever about building a house. I just wanted to ask, did any of you guys hire a third party inspector during construction? Would Rawson allow it, and what are the chances of them fixing any faults that may be found?

Hi Julianm,

I am also building with Rawson and am planning to do one inspection on completion. I have got advise that that inspection should cover all items including structural elements. Since Rawson is reputed builder, I am trusting them for during construction quality.

As far as I know, you can have inspection during construction. There is nothing in the contract that disallows that except it says you need prior permission to access site during construction.

Good luck with that and let us know how does it go.

Hi all just an update my slab went down! you know what.... I completely forgot i need to buy a fence. Silly me thought it comes with it! haha first home buyer here.... obviously
Congrats on getting your slab! Many of the Rawson packages come with fencing included so double check your deal Belinda, yours might come with fencing!

In terms of inspections, I hadn't planned on one but it might be prudent to get one at the end to ensure all is sound at handover. I am in a similar boat expecting good quality from Rawson as a reputable builder.
I agree, that's why I built with rawson but i still need to make sure. A guy at work recommended someone to do the final inspection im just waiting on the business name.
Hi all just an update my slab went down! you know what.... I completely forgot i need to buy a fence. Silly me thought it comes with it! haha first home buyer here.... obviously

Hey Belinda,

Our place didn't come with a fence, so we will be one of the people you need to organise with. I'm not sure how I feel about putting a fence up before construction though, I don't want it to be ruined by the builders!
hey Sarah when is your construction due to be complete?
17 weeks after it begins... but who knows when it will begin! Our DA is still at Liverpool Council and it has been there for almost 4 months now...
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