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ESB's beach retreat ... from start to finish!

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Sooo cool!
We couldn't afford it. Hope the bill is tiny
How many solar panels? Does it run your home?
And the neighbours....

We put in a 4kw inverter but only have 3kw of panels atm. Again when the money tree grows we'll add more panels.

It doesn't quite run the house, but should be close. First bill due anyday now, so hopefully it will be a nice surprise for a change. :p

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse my typing missed cakes.

The pics look great. Our hubbies are the same - in love with solar panels and grass lmao. We got out first bill and it was $220. The next one will be less because the kids were on holiday and had every tv, game console etc going for 7 weeks lol. Our bills were usually $500-$550. We were happy with that.

The pics look great. Our hubbies are the same - in love with solar panels and grass lmao. We got out first bill and it was $220. The next one will be less because the kids were on holiday and had every tv, game console etc going for 7 weeks lol. Our bills were usually $500-$550. We were happy with that.

All DH had to research in the build was the solar and air-conditioner, so he did a thorough job ... Lol. Then when it came to grass I was happy with the cheapo green stuff, but not DH, he wanted the good/tough stuff, so more research. Had to laugh when the grass was delivered with its own pedigree certificate, even the dog doesn't have one of those ... rofl.

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse my typing missed cakes.

The pics look great. Our hubbies are the same - in love with solar panels and grass lmao. We got out first bill and it was $220. The next one will be less because the kids were on holiday and had every tv, game console etc going for 7 weeks lol. Our bills were usually $500-$550. We were happy with that.

All DH had to research in the build was the solar and air-conditioner, so he did a thorough job ... Lol. Then when it came to grass I was happy with the cheapo green stuff, but not DH, he wanted the good/tough stuff, so more research. Had to laugh when the grass was delivered with its own pedigree certificate, even the dog doesn't have one of those ... rofl.

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse my typing missed cakes.

LMAO @ the certificate!! Thats funny. We put the grass down because we had run out of timeto finish the landscaping by the pool and alfresco. We had hubby's 40th and we didn't want everyone walking through the dirt. We will eventually dig it up and put pavers down. We have a pallet of pavers on the driveway waiting.
Rearranged all the plants in the front gardens on Sunday ... lol. Poor plants just get settled and then I don't like how it looks and so rearrange them. Good thing they are hardy plants.

Still looking for a Thai seated buddha for the garden outside my clinic entrance. Not alot around in Bundy
and I did see some I liked a one nursery, didn't buy it at the time ... of course when I went back they were all gone ... sigh. Ebay here I come.

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse my typing missed cakes.
Hi ESB, I saw you mentioned in another thread that you had silver window frames with black security grills, so I came for a look ... but your frames look black?

Lovely house BTW!
It has been ages since I have been on here ... we've been here nearly two years and still love it.

No major issues ... there are heaps of thing I would have done differently, but my husband is a stick in the mud and won't allow me to build again ... Lol. Maybe one day.
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