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Our Benham 33 journey

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Korboo, you shower looks amazing..
Bailey, hope your build goes faster..

Weekly update on ours.. Bricking completed early this week. Gutters and fascia has been installed and roof tiles delivered on site. We are going to lose a week because the upper storey windows were installed incorrectly and hence SS had to call the carpenter again. Roof should go up on Monday.
I love the bricks, it looks so good, i can't wait for the timber feature to be installed..

WE are meeting with our new SS on site on Monday.
Koroboo - have your tilers started????

Surprise surprise the brick cleaner did not show up as expected on the weekend. I messaged SS and he said that he will be coming this weekend. Yeah whatever I have been told that so many times.

Had a great fathers day with my family coming up. My youngest brother has not seen my house, even when it was under construction. The last time he saw it, it was a vacant block of land. He was shocked as to him with his tiny flat it was huge and loved every bit of the house.
Tilers have started in so far as they brought all their equipment and supplies yesterday, and primed the alfresco and porch for tiling.

They should be there today actually laying some tiles

Had a carpenter come in and take out all the skirting yesterday too, so the house has gone backwards a bit!

When there's a decent amount to make it look like something I'll post some pics.
We will have PCI early next week, so we have been told anyway...

Before then, just waiting on the plumbing to be completed (toilets, taps etc) and the driveway (which is currently being marked out)

Its been over a year and half now so looking forward to the finished product
s36 - your house is looking great. I swear your house has gone been completed super quickly. When did construction start????
Thanks Jen, we are very happy with our selections. We changed our mind about a million times and still have even just before tiling but we are almost there.

Excavation started 8 March 13, admin June 12 so it has been a long drawn out process. But the build has been good.. roughly about 6 to 6 1/2 months to complete.
S36 you have had a quick build, but a slow admin period. We paid our $3,000 with Rawson in June 12 and construction started 31/10/12 and handover 11/07/13.
Looks like it was only more preparation today, fair bit of rendering/sand+cement leveling done. Though this looks top notch at the moment.

Tile DEFINITELY to start tomorrow, at least on the alfresco and the porch.

Commencement of indoor flooring tiles likely to be Friday.

Got my sparky booked in to come fix in all the lights, and I'm trying to get our SS to organise as much as he can before I get handed to maintenance.

One last thing: we asked for 'full size' plastic cutlery trays to 2 rather large drawers (and they were included on the variation form) - not to mention we told the kitchen rep what we expected when he was at the house... and what did they do?
They put a small drawer plastic cutlery tray in, and then screwed in 2 'dividing' beams of wood so as to make the drawer completely useless, and it looks totally crap to boot. As soon as the person is back in the office on Thursday I'm giving them a piece of my mind. I'll try grab a photo tomorrow but it looks so dumb - you'll all be gobsmacked.
They did the same thing in our cutlery drawer - it's on our maintenance list to fix!
That sounds insane Koroboo!!

OUr site didn't get cut/excavated yesterday as promised, but I discovered that we have a tap!!! and water meter of course. So atleast that is something.
Koroboo that is stupid.

When our kitchen was installed they put a 650mm cutlery tray in one of the smaller drawers. I told our SS from the beginning that this was not acceptable. Everytime I spoke to our SS I mentioned the cutlery drawer insert and I was even told that they could not do it 950mm wide. It came down me showing them a photo from one of the show homes that had the exact same sized cutlery drawer and it was that show home that I took the measurements for the drawers.

I would not wait until your maintenance period. I would get your SS onto it now and keep whinging until it is done. Mrs Bigted I would be doing the same thing. Not acceptable that they are not giving what has been charged for. Thankfully ours was sorted out.

JTM - not good that your site was not cut yesterday. Any answers as to why??? It has been perfect weather for ages, so there should be no holdup there. At least you have a tap. We didnt get a tap until two months after our build started and it only went in as the brick layers could not start until they had water.
we will be seeing SS tomorrow, so if it's still not done then I won't be happy. And you're right it was a glorious day yesterday, so absolutely no reason why it wasn't done.

we will be seeing SS tomorrow, so if it's still not done then I won't be happy. And you're right it was a glorious day yesterday, so absolutely no reason why it wasn't done.

Sometimes there is a delay when it has been wet prior and they have sites to catch up on, but I can't remember the last time it rained.
Here's the retarded drawer insert. The lady at the kitchen company is getting an earful from me tomorrow. There's no way this in any way makes sense.

And now for some happier news, tiles are partially down:

Wow.. that draw insert is just.. wrong!!!! What is wrong with them!

But those tiles look fantastic!!!
Haha tell me about it, i hate the fact that they actually DRILLED and made a hole in the drawers. Oh well they have to fix it now because it's stupid and not what we asked for
Koroboo - that drawer is terrible and the person that did that is stupid for thinking they could get away with that. I would be making the kitchen company replace the whole drawer as they have drilled holes in your drawer
I do plan get them to replace the whole drawer bottom. The sides/front are still usable, but that bottom panel has to go. I seriously couldn't believe that was thought of as a good solution - but I've harped on enough here about how stupid it is

Tomorrow is the day of wrath with them!

We've just planned out the wood floor tile pattern ready for the tilers to start on the main flooring on Friday.
Has anyone employed a private certifier? Please do share the details if you know any? feel free to PM me..
JTM- it's super frustrating when it's beautiful weather and nothing gets done. If it makes you feel any better I think it's happened to all of us. Got to love the rollercoaster ride of building! Hoping everything gets started ASAP for you. It's funny how just the littlest bit of progress can make your day!!

Korooboo- Sorry but your draw has just about got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen!!! I can't believe the person responsible seriously thought that that would be good enough!! Craziness!! They definitely deserve a piece of your mind and the rest of it!!! I hope it's sorted out ASAP!!
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