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JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

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It's still the council holding us up at the moment. Assuming they have started processing the report and consent it shouldn't be too much longer now. Our frustration at the moment is we have no idea where it is at. Our fear is that if the guy we have been dealing with has taken extended leave it may not have even been looked at since the support letters went direct to his email. We don't even know if our admin is back at work since she hasn't returned our call, but you would think she would have mentioned that she was going to be away longer when we were speaking about all this right before Christmas.

Once we have the report and consent I'm hoping the building permit will be quick since it's been looked at before and as far as we know the setback was the only issue. Then kings just need to get their skates on and extract some money out of our bank before it's too late. We're not sure of the exact day we need that to happen by, our broker has asked the bank but we haven't heard back out that yet either. Even a simple question in the building world seems to eat up at a week.

I'm hoping the new JgKing display in fyansford will be open today. I've seen a guy at the desk after hours but every time I've been down there during the day it's shut.

Both singles either side of us. The north were considering changing builder so I guess they could change but I'd be surprised.

Spoke to the guy at the new display, sounds like our admin was away this week. He seemed to think there were 3 heywoods being built in fyansford! Surely he's mistaken?! He was probably thinking of the Finsbury.

Love your floor plans. Can't wait to see your house!!
I hope you hear back soon and it's all good for them to get started asap!!

Looks like it will be another week without an update
. We haven't received a reply to the follow up email that was sent to council earlier this week so it's possible our guy is still on leave
, although admin never received an auto reply so who knows. She was going to try and get to the bottom of it today and speak to someone else if not him. Tomorrow will be a month since the letters were sent, back when we first applied we were told normally it takes about 2-3 weeks, but with Christmas in the way we're not sure what to expect. It's probably too soon to be feeling frustrated but that's not stopping it from happening.

I've been shopping to fill the building void, lots of little things like towels, cushions, pots, hooks for the laundry and WIL walls. Had a bit of joy today with my bargain chair arriving! Grays online plus an extra 20% off code on ebay, $211 including free delivery! It will fill a bit of space in the master and hopefully give my husband somewhere to dump his half worn clothes rather than the floor

This one shows the colour better

Possibly should have with one of the darker colours, this seemed like the safest bet with the dark grey carpet but it's extremely close to the colour of the curtains.

The alrob drawers were my Christmas present (along with an afa exact drainer board for the sink, all gifts are house related around here
), I love them so much! They are also for the bedroom, we picked up a cheap 3rd tv for the bedroom when our local blockbuster closed down but it's too big for our current drawers.

The chevron rug on top is for the family room, I picked it up on gumtree barely used for $150. The white probably won't last long with the kids but at that price it will do for a while. We needed something really big so not cheap. I'm running out of room for everything, I have piles of new house stuff in every corner
. We need to start building!
Bummer hopefully you get some traction next week so you can move towatds a start date. Looks like you enjoyed some retail therapy.
Oh bank i really feel for you, i'd be getting really frustrated not hearing anything by now too! LOVE that chair, what a bargain! I'm looking for a few nice chairs like that for my front sitting room, will have to see if i can find some
Yay to some retail therapy, it's hard when there is no room to store though isn't it haha
Admin finally made contact and we should have an answer tomorrow! I'm trying not to get too excited, it could be bad news, or we might not hear at all. I have a big smile on my face anyway, any communication is awesome at this point! I hope I can sleep tonight
Good luck!!! Try to sleep.
Awesome to read that you've heard back from them! Fingers crossed for good update tomorrow

Fingers crossed fpr good news. Good luck sleeping.
Good luck with your meeting tomorrow

Bad news I'm afraid. It sounds like today the council finally decided to look at our application again and have again decided not to even proceed with processing it. So much for an answer, admin obviously had the wrong end of that stick.

We're beyond angry, it just sat there for the month doing nothing. Why they ever told the developer that they would process it with the letters I don't know because clearly they had no intention.

It's all coming down to interpretation. The developer's architect said yes it's part of the porch, the building surveyor WE appointed said its part of the porch, but the council guy and the building surveyor that works under our building surveyor (who processed our building permit) say no it's not. This is the same building surveyor who couldn't read the drawings and thought we needed a down pipe where we clearly don't need one.

Don't even know what to do now.
That is frustrating, sometimes build really does make you want to just grab people and shake them and yell you are messing with my life
yep. It wouldn't be a good idea for us to be in the same room as the council guy at the moment, then we'd have bigger problems
. How my husband kept his cool with him on the phone I will never know. He's still trying not to damage any relationship that there is there, but I think we are way past the point of pretending that this is all cool.

Thanks for the giggle anyway. I enjoyed the image of me shaking the little man (I've never seen him but I'm pretty sure he would be a little man).
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Bank. Hopefully they can get things fixed soon
Oh no! How frustrating!!! Why do they offer a facade which has this issue? Or is this first time they've encountered resistance from council?

Oh no! How frustrating!!! Why do they offer a facade which has this issue? Or is this first time they've encountered resistance from council?

The display has this facade and it is just as tall and sited exactly the same! No one seems to know how or why it got through without any trouble. All the building surveyors say is "that's interesting".

Our issue began because ours is too tall above natural ground level (caused by 2.7m ceilings and the way the site falls), however we were always led to believe that that was nothing to worry about, we would just apply for dispensation. Simple and not uncommon.

Didn't turn out that way due to the misinterpretation of our MCP, which is specific to our development, so that is why most people wouldn't have this trouble.

Also most people are happy to take the path of least resistance (which is always what the builders and surveyors suggest first) so they just move the house.

Knowing that we had seen it sited as ours is, that we were meeting the design guidelines, and had been approved by the developer (who wrote the MCP) we decided to try and protect our little backyard.

Keep push protect your backyard. The presidence has been set with the display.
So many builders going bust, how's King homes/Fowler homes?

Building A New House

I would never build with Fowler homes. I built with them in 2021 and till date maintenance issues are pending. All their existing trades and businesses don't work with…

JG King Home builders delay in construction

General Discussion

So, did they give you a reason? Weather? Slab not poured??

Home loan and landscaping change in price

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Hi, you've probably already resolved this, however, Commbank will probably pay the funds to you after you send evidence the work is done regardless the change in the quotes.

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