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Thomas Archer Bayside Build

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Congrats! Looks fantastic!!
Hi all TA build folks! Seems like most on this forum went with corner stacker doors when building with TA. Who went with a recessed option and who went with the standard? Any idea on the cost of recessing?

Have also gone for recessed, was just over $1400. Definitely worth the money!

We're also going through tender stage with TA at the moment and had requested our corner stacker to be recessed, however in the tender it has a note "Note: Bottom track of sliding door track to finish 5mm +/- 3mm from finished floor level" which shocked me a bit as I thought the whole point of recessing it would be to have no step over or trip hazard.

Did anyone else who recessed their stacker have the note that the track would finish 5mm above FFL? If so, has anyone completed their build with that, and is the 5mm noticeable or annoying?

We have now requested a "fully flush" sill/frame which should be perfectly flush with the FFL of our living area. I'm guessing the "flush sill" might actually be a different type of door/frame whereas the "recessed" is the same door/frame as normal. The cost of the "flush sill" is about 3 times the "recessed" option, but I think in the long run it will be a small price to pay...

This +/- may be dependant on your floor choice.
Some timbers are 14mm thick, some 16, some 18mm.

When they grind out the channel for your corner stickers, they have no idea (the guts on the saw) what your finished floor is- they just need the channel for the tracks.

Another point of note is your alfresco flooring material. Having spent most of Friday afternoon studying zero threshold drains and water ingress- let me tell you there is a bit involved here!

My point to my concrete guy was why would I spend the $ to have the tracks recessed only to have a lip or drop with paving?

PM me if you have any questions. πŸ™‚
We’re also going through tender atm, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
This +/- may be dependant on your floor choice.
Some timbers are 14mm thick, some 16, some 18mm.

When they grind out the channel for your corner stickers, they have no idea (the guts on the saw) what your finished floor is- they just need the channel for the tracks.

Another point of note is your alfresco flooring material. Having spent most of Friday afternoon studying zero threshold drains and water ingress- let me tell you there is a bit involved here!

My point to my concrete guy was why would I spend the $ to have the tracks recessed only to have a lip or drop with paving?

PM me if you have any questions. πŸ™‚

I think I understand what you're saying that the +/- may be more to do with floor finish than building tolerance, but that aside there is still 5mm (potentially up to 8mm) of track sticking up above the floorboards/tiles level?

It's one of those things where I'm not sure if we think it's a bigger problem than it is in practice. 5mm seems like enough to stub your toe/trip on but maybe it's barely noticable?

Our stackers are under cover so I'm not sure drainage is required, other than a gentle fall in level away from the house. I'll have to look into this again though at some point.

I'm surprised the whole recessed/flush sill thing is not more straightforward. It seems like a simple and obvious thing but seems to create lots of misunderstanding, at least for us!
This +/- may be dependant on your floor choice.
Some timbers are 14mm thick, some 16, some 18mm.

When they grind out the channel for your corner stickers, they have no idea (the guts on the saw) what your finished floor is- they just need the channel for the tracks.

Another point of note is your alfresco flooring material. Having spent most of Friday afternoon studying zero threshold drains and water ingress- let me tell you there is a bit involved here!

My point to my concrete guy was why would I spend the $ to have the tracks recessed only to have a lip or drop with paving?

PM me if you have any questions. πŸ™‚

I think I understand what you're saying that the +/- may be more to do with floor finish than building tolerance, but that aside there is still 5mm (potentially up to 8mm) of track sticking up above the floorboards/tiles level?

It's one of those things where I'm not sure if we think it's a bigger problem than it is in practice. 5mm seems like enough to stub your toe/trip on but maybe it's barely noticable?

Our stackers are under cover so I'm not sure drainage is required, other than a gentle fall in level away from the house. I'll have to look into this again though at some point.

I'm surprised the whole recessed/flush sill thing is not more straightforward. It seems like a simple and obvious thing but seems to create lots of misunderstanding, at least for us!

I thought it seemed simple too. Until now where the logistics of site fall, drainage and voiding timber floor warranties (by flooding your house) all come in to play.

Ours is undercover too. That's not the issue. Its the NCC guideline that a zero threshold with no drain has a 25mm fall in first metre away from stickers, and 10mm each metre thereafter.

25mm is a LOT. That is more of an issue to me than the inlay.

I've walked across our tracks in socks and there is no discernible lip- that's why we are do keen to keep it that way. Im also thinking the tracks will vary depending on the doors themselves.

We have just under 7 m of corner sliders to alfresco- single glazed. (Our balcony slider is DG upstairs and seems more chunky in design- to hand k e the extra weight and thickness presumably.

Not sure Im helping or making things worse but I can see there would be variables with doors etc. And 5mm is negligible unless you're carrying a full tray of margeritas and have had a few before attempting that!
... 5mm is negligible unless you're carrying a full tray of margeritas and have had a few before attempting that!

... 5mm is negligible unless you're carrying a full tray of margeritas and have had a few before attempting that!

This just happened

... 5mm is negligible unless you're carrying a full tray of margeritas and have had a few before attempting that!

This just happened

Wow time.....I m happy for you guys.
... 5mm is negligible unless you're carrying a full tray of margeritas and have had a few before attempting that!

This just happened

Congratulations. Only another oh 17 months and we might get there too
... 5mm is negligible unless you're carrying a full tray of margeritas and have had a few before attempting that!

This just happened

Thats fantastic. Hope you are happy with the results and thank you for such a great job keeping us across your build.
congrats lovely. now the countdown is on to get that garden looking sparkly in time for christmas! xx
Yaaay!! Congrats! It's been wonderful following your journey. Now you can enjoy!!
Congrats! Now the fun part starts in decorating the house. Enjoy your new home.
Congratulations! Enjoy your beautiful new home! looking forward to seeing pics of it set up
Congratulations πŸ₯³ πŸ₯³
Yay congratulations!!
Hi guys

PCI was today. Hours and hours of it, but hey, there's a lot to take in.
So of the "issues" relating to Darbecca report, all are agreed upon.
98% are paint here and there. Very happy with the house and finish of everything.
So, as promised...cue #PhotoSpam....

Now, for some reason all of my portrait photos are publishing side on, so as soon as I fix this issue, I'll pop the rest up.
Isn't she pretty?

Woweeeeee!! I've missed a lot of progress. You're in!!! Congratulations, looks great and so happy that you're happy with it too. Good luck with the move and settling in. x
[quote="sminters"][quote="Blacktea2sugars"]Hi guys

Today we have blinds going in and wallpaper going on

Today we have blinds going in, and wallpaper going on.

The entry looks fabulous! Waiting on mirror.

All void blinds are either hard-wired or remote control Somfy.

Lights and fans tomorrow. πŸ‘Œ
And more blinds and paper....

And more blinds and paper....

looks good

did you get additional noggins or anything for your blinds? DIY? Or did you use a contractor?
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