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Our Half Acre Heaven- Bushman's cave

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They are going great guns Trees that Huge Bay Wall!!!!! What a feature the plans didn't do it justice

Yes, it's one of the reasons we chose this plan.

Woohoo, zooming along!! Is that a raked ceiling I spy?? Love the combo of cladding and bricks, we are having a little bit of cladding at the front entrance. How exciting for you

Love it too, I felt the design lent itself to the cladding. It was a toss up between the whole frontage or just the 'nose' ( the bay). Hope it looks as good as I've been imagining it, once the verandah goes on. And yes, we're getting excited, but it still seems a bit surreal at the same time.

Yeah we are going through the same discussions regarding our fire place which is current feature brick

Are you thinking stackstone? Or something else?
Oh looking Fantastic TC. You have the beginnings of a roof. Congratulations.
Stone cladding and book shelves. Nice one.
Yay looking great! So excited for you
We also have overhead fans with reverse ones in the main living and loft areas. They do work great in winter we had one in Mt. Lawley that we used successfully with our slow combustion stove.

Of course use overhead fans all the time here in Exmouth.

Jibs, that's great to know, just found someone posting on the "warm in winter, cool in summer" thread who has similar challenges with cross ventilation but their fans are working a treat.

Thanks GF

I will be posting more pics very soon....
Can't wait for more pics and our reverse fans work great in winter too
re the fireplace I've put that to the renovation not the extension part of my build so will probably make a decision on it 2 days before it is due
Well I was thinking a nice mellow stackstone, but am tempted by the more trad fieldstone finish.
We will get it done after handover when we know what $$s we have left...

More pics to come, another site visit this weekend
Woo hoo lucky you
Had a lovely Saturday browsing with my bestie at the Vintage fair. Then SS told me the CLB gets delivered Tuesday! and the roof plumber was there on Sunday (!!) finishing off in preparation for it.

The chippie has done a great job, all very neat. No ill fitting joins! The standard of all work so far is great!

Ignore the dates on the camera shots lol. Must work out how to turn it off as I deleted some shots and it's slotted these recent ones into the space...!
Oh wow looking fabulous. I just love your living space - the high ceilings the bushpoles and those amazing window/walls great shape/.
Looking great Trees
Simply stunning
Thanks everyone, I like. Glad you like too.

Hey Bradster, love your house, well done! -secret stalker.

Our surfmist roof is going on tomorrow, but we won't be there to see it - my colourbond moment will have to wait until after Christmas.

I'll be asking our SS to send us a photo to be sure.

Forgot to add that the corner pantry has finally been bricked into the kitchen. Not sure why it wasn't done before....And I also forgot to take an updated pic of the garden bed, all the beetroot plants are looking healthy and the cosmos are so healthy they look like mini pine trees
Can't believe how well they are all thriving on neglect!
That room is going to be amazing!!
This is a bit of a side issue, but I am pondering furniture now while I wait to see my surfmist roof!!
That room is going to be amazing!!

Fingers crossed I hope everything ties together, as I'm not buying any new furniture for the FFL (except maybe a coffee table). I have two ways I can go with that:

1. Spend nothing. Use the oiled and sanded offcuts of the karri pole as side tables and enjoy looking at my new rug unobscured by a table. Like so:

2. Buy this glass topped table (which I love), and being glass topped, I can still see my new rug beneath it.

Either plan suits my eclectic soul, as a lot of my furniture is antique and it's such fun to mix things up!
I think you can all guess which plan my darling prefers....
I love them all what a fantastic idea!
Oooohhh I love the wood off cut idea ...
I already have a small burl side table (think it's banksia burl) so it would blend with the offcuts. But they could always go in the tv room. I'm thinking the replica Noguchi table, having the glass top, will add some reflective light around the room. Hmm. This is going to be a hard choice!

Still no photo from SS...
Both look great. My preference is for the off cuts look fabulous and more portable.
If you like both why not both?

Get the replica for on the rug and make some side tables for another room, I've seen the stumps done before and they are good
But I love the replica!!
Have what your heart desires and your wallet can afford
Our house was beautiful until Distinctive Homes destroyed ou

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