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williams landing

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We have developer approval finalised and been told we will have our contract past to construction next week so should see fences go up next week!

word of advice to those about to go though developer approval. Get in early ended up taking 4 weeks to get ours back and you can't start until its finalised. The type of concrete on the driveway was the holdup. Seems silly but apprently the company Williams Landing Use for developer approval are really really strict

Yep, it took around 6 weeks for us to get the developer approval..
Make sure you put in your type of driveway in the contract before submitting them to the DA...
Hi Guys,
Just wondering how do you buy land with Williams landing.
Is it like everyone can only buy 1 block of land or you can buy more as long as you can afford it?
Stage 7 is upcoming for sale, just spoken to their sales consultant, it will be in sometime in August, just wondering how to get in earlier to have more choices.
Any1 know anything about stage 7?

Hi Guys,
Just wondering how do you buy land with Williams landing.
Is it like everyone can only buy 1 block of land or you can buy more as long as you can afford it?
Stage 7 is upcoming for sale, just spoken to their sales consultant, it will be in sometime in August, just wondering how to get in earlier to have more choices.
Any1 know anything about stage 7?


Hi Garry - register your interest with Amanda at office or online and an email will be sent to you on release and first in to make an appt on the nominated day of sale for stage 7 will be treated on time of appointment basis - thats how it worked for us - a $1000 deposit to book an appointment - Get it back if no land bought(stage 4)
Hi Guys,
Just wondering how do you buy land with Williams landing.
Is it like everyone can only buy 1 block of land or you can buy more as long as you can afford it?
Stage 7 is upcoming for sale, just spoken to their sales consultant, it will be in sometime in August, just wondering how to get in earlier to have more choices.
Any1 know anything about stage 7?


Why are you looking at buying more than 1 block? Are you planning to build on them and sell afterwards. WL will not allow you to buy the land and sell afterwards without a house built unless you can display a valid reason for selling ie financial, health, relationship problems.

We managed to pick up a block that was put back on the market due to one of the above reasons.

Have also been told that if you do have to sell the block and do not go through a nomination contract, ie sell for more than you payed for the block, the developer has the option to buy the block back instead.
Why are you looking at buying more than 1 block? Are you planning to build on them and sell afterwards. WL will not allow you to buy the land and sell afterwards without a house built unless you can display a valid reason for selling ie financial, health, relationship problems.

We managed to pick up a block that was put back on the market due to one of the above reasons.

Have also been told that if you do have to sell the block and do not go through a nomination contract, ie sell for more than you payed for the block, the developer has the option to buy the block back instead.

lol they never explained that when we brought our block that must have been one of those fine print things. Got to say thou that pretty much sucks. What if you sold the block 2 years after you settled on it! When you consider inflation youd be out of pocket and there would be nothing you could do about it.

I wonder if youd legally be able to do that because once you purchased the block its your uninhibited. I would have thought forcing someone to sell a block back to you at the price they paid would beach some sort of law. Drew is a lawyer maybe he could shine some light on this ?
I believe the idea behind it is to sell to those who plan to build only. No investors buying blocks and sitting on them for a while before selling. Once you have put a house on the land, you are free to sell. I think this is in all our (home builders) best interest.
if your builder is using a waffle pod as slab construction be very careful about what they say as a waffle pod is used a lot in Western burbs and so soil testing should not have a lot of impact - bear that in mind as they the words "wool, pull & eyes" come to mind. Be interesting to here your feedback once they come back to you.

Hi cotbfamily,

Could you please elaborate on this. If a Waffle Slab is used, do rocks and fill become less of an issue.

I have seen packs of foam blocks beside construction sites, so I assume display homes are getting Waffle Slabs.

Have anybody else recieved their soil test results?

We are planning to build with S1mmons and they have allowed $11,000 site costs which includes an upgrage from M to H class slab plus the OH&S. Does this sound realistic or on the low side to help get the house through finance. We will be writing up the contract pre final soil test (before land titles) so we make it before the end of Sept (full 32k FHB grant)
To Twistedpair,

Tried to reply but it seems you cant receive messages:

Hi Fabi,

Yes we are on DeHavilland, were lot 101. Ended up being number 13 !!!!!

The contract signing was actually not too bad. We are very organised, as we had been speaking to Carlisle since about September last year, when we thought the land was going to be available in November !
So all the main stuff had already been organised.
It was just a case of going over the contract and signing about 100 times !! lol

Weve been told that, as they have already put the developer plans in to williams landing, we should start building within 2 weeks !

Were getting the Bordeaux, with the obligatory changes to the facade due to williams landing requirements.

How about you?
hi tornado-alive

if waffle pod is used correct, the "land fill" becomes less of an issue, that is why they use the waffle pods. Just be on your toes and don't be afraid to ask your builder if they happen to begin to spin a yarn. I'm not saying builders are trying to dupe you or anything, actually I have found that if you begin to ask them questions (but don't sound cocky or intimadating) instead of just taking their word they seem to open up and be more transparent. Its better to ask questions now and during than after..

It's good to see the trees on the estate and the non-display's beginning to be built, I hope stage 1 & 2 people are happy with the progress that is being made, we certainly are and can't wait until the fences go up
OMG!! we are straihgt opposite each other!

Well, we will sign next week on Wednesday and yeah we tried to be organised too but we bought the land like in March and are happy to start building soon. Having said that, we are looking at starting in September.
How exciting! We are building a Vogue that is pretty-much a Bordeaux but the spa in the ensuite I think that is the major difference. And yes, we got hit not only with amendmends to the facade but addressing the corner. OUCH! nevertheless we are sure is worth it.

I guess we may be 12 or 14...

OMG!! we are straihgt opposite each other!

Good to meet new neighbours before weve even started building !!!! lol
FYI for all stage 3 owners, I spoke to Amanda yesterday querying stage 3 title release dates, she advised they are currently looking at late september, with settlement in mid-october.
FYI for all stage 3 owners, I spoke to Amanda yesterday querying stage 3 title release dates, she advised they are currently looking at late september, with settlement in mid-october.

Thats what MATT told me as well...Apparently they are not letting anyone in to do the soil tests in order to get work done...

We are at Davenport Drive...
Yep, that is what we have been told too, Late Sept.

I was hoping we could get a soil test done earlier, so I don't like the sounds of that. We are at the top end of stage 3 with our neighbours land already titled so it is very accessable for us.
Anyone had a look at the interactive map if WL @

If you turn the Street Directory On, you can see the whole plan...
In the proposed town centre area, there is a huge portion that says 'MFB area' and the area highlighted as town centre is really small compared to it...
The Grey and Orange shaded area is all town center as per master plan.

MFB just shows the jurisdiction. If you look east of Forsyth Rd, you will see CFA Area.

Thanks very much for the link, is great to see the centre mapped out and get the house numbers!
Well, we just had a phone call to say that our plans got knocked back from the developers........
There goes starting the build in July !!

Wasnt really that bad though, apparently they just want the render going back further on each side of the house, so a small additional cost for that.

Could have been worse I suppose, its more annoying that its a further delay !
Wasnt really that bad though, apparently they just want the render going back further on each side of the house, so a small additional cost for that.

I can't believe the developer is very fussy.
It will take ages if they keep on rejecting the application. I have not heard anything for my application.
Wasnt really that bad though, apparently they just want the render going back further on each side of the house, so a small additional cost for that.

I can't believe the developer is very fussy.
It will take ages if they keep on rejecting the application. I have not heard anything for my application.
Fittting Lower Ground entry door/landing in 2200mm of FFL

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