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My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️

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Love the laminate colour

All of your selection are going to look fab

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
Love your colour selections... looking forward to following along!

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast
Congrats on your new home build. Your colour selections are awesome
I'm looking forward to watching your build.

do you have a log here?

Hi Melt23

Thanks for asking I do have a thread here. Henry's Build on the Gold Coast.
I am a bit slow using tapatalk. Still learning
Love the laminate colour

All of your selection are going to look fab

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

Thanks charlibear:)

Love your colour selections... looking forward to following along!

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast

Thanks Bridgetwitch

Congrats on your new home build. Your colour selections are awesome
I'm looking forward to watching your build.

do you have a log here?

Hi Melt23

Thanks for asking I do have a thread here. Henry's Build on the Gold Coast.
I am a bit slow using tapatalk. Still learning

I found your log and look forward to following along

Spent about 5 mins looking at pendant lights 3 months ago- found these ones and saved the link for when I'm more ready to be looking at stuff for the house, but they had a sale on today so I bought two for over my kitchen island. I don't know if they will go with my stuff but I like them so fingers crossed haha

Melt23 nice choice!
They will look stunning above your kitchen bench.
Melt23 nice choice!
They will look stunning above your kitchen bench.

I hope so

Had a call from my conveyancer today to check if I'd had any updates from the developer (I haven't) so he's going to get in contact with them to check if titling is expected still in may/June as advised originally- I look forward to hearing back from him once he hears back from them & am crossing my fingers and toes that all is on schedule!

Went out on the weekend and it looks like the rio? For the road has been delivered- my block will be over near where the orange flags are

Also, Friday night I got a super early birthday present from my family and can happily say I am now the mummy to two beautiful little chihuahuas! Worked out well because I will get to toilet train them before I move out and hopefully they will be over their current 'chew all the things' phase by the end of the year. Also good to get all the vet stuff required out of the way before I have a mortgage- gee wizz pets are expensive!

I have been avoiding going out to the estate as much as it was making time seem sooooo slowwww! Today I stopped by and was super excited to see I have a road and a crossover! Mine is towards the back of the pic, with the light coloured road in front

Still waiting to hear back from conveyancer about the land titling on time but May/June still seems like a possibility based on what I'm seeing out there yay!

Heard back from my sales guy today with answers to my queries to the first lot of drawings and upgrades from colour selection day. I've added a couple of power and data points, upgraded to deadbolts on 2 external doors and upgraded the security door to diamond grill, all coming in at around $500 total so I'm happy with that

It sounds like because of adding in drawers to the bathroom cabinets the sinks may not be centered on the bench but I don't want to not have bathroom drawers so I will live with it I suppose. Kind of weird IMO- the bathroom cabinets and drawers at my parents have a sink in the middle, I'm not sure why they cannot do it but it's something to do with the plumbing apparently.

Also going to have to lower the window height in the study nook so the clothesline can go above it in the void (which you walk out to via the laundry door, vs having it around the other side of the house and having to walk through the living room and right around the outside to get to!) so I'm gonna have a random window that looks out to my laundry on the line. Haha. I guess it will help me not forget to bring the washing in?

Now I shall be patient and wait for land to title
not long to go!

Melt23 nice choice!
They will look stunning above your kitchen bench.

I hope so

Had a call from my conveyancer today to check if I'd had any updates from the developer (I haven't) so he's going to get in contact with them to check if titling is expected still in may/June as advised originally- I look forward to hearing back from him once he hears back from them & am crossing my fingers and toes that all is on schedule!

Went out on the weekend and it looks like the rio? For the road has been delivered- my block will be over near where the orange flags are

Also, Friday night I got a super early birthday present from my family and can happily say I am now the mummy to two beautiful little chihuahuas! Worked out well because I will get to toilet train them before I move out and hopefully they will be over their current 'chew all the things' phase by the end of the year. Also good to get all the vet stuff required out of the way before I have a mortgage- gee wizz pets are expensive!

WOW your lucky to have two little cuties to look after. They will give you heaps of love and affection. Your family have spoilt you for you Birthday. So happy Birthday Melt for whenever it is.

On another note. Do you not have a fence opposite your study where your clothes line can go?
Melt23 nice choice!
They will look stunning above your kitchen bench.

I hope so

Had a call from my conveyancer today to check if I'd had any updates from the developer (I haven't) so he's going to get in contact with them to check if titling is expected still in may/June as advised originally- I look forward to hearing back from him once he hears back from them & am crossing my fingers and toes that all is on schedule!

Went out on the weekend and it looks like the rio? For the road has been delivered- my block will be over near where the orange flags are

Also, Friday night I got a super early birthday present from my family and can happily say I am now the mummy to two beautiful little chihuahuas! Worked out well because I will get to toilet train them before I move out and hopefully they will be over their current 'chew all the things' phase by the end of the year. Also good to get all the vet stuff required out of the way before I have a mortgage- gee wizz pets are expensive!

WOW your lucky to have two little cuties to look after. They will give you heaps of love and affection. Your family have spoilt you for you Birthday. So happy Birthday Melt for whenever it is.

On another note. Do you not have a fence opposite your study where your clothes line can go?

I was very spoilt

Hmm the clothesline is one that folds upwards and I am guessing it needs to be attached to the bricks? I don't know, but the 'void' is only a little area (like 1.5m by 2m) that is a 'small block' requirement in my estate, it's a bit of a waste of space but can't do much about it! I never thought to question if it could go against the fence!

No harm in asking, hopefully your land registers as planned.
A nice tradie let me in the fence today to go check out my block!

It looks so tiny, I don't know how they are going to build so many houses in such little space haha. But nice to see all the piles of dirt have been taken away/flattened out.

I met my neighbour on the fb community group and apparently she had been advised recently that titles will be happening end of June. I was kinda hoping it would be late May but I suppose end of June is ok. Originally was hoping I could be in by Christmas but I heard my builder takes a while to site start due to a backlog of builds so I guess it will be whatever it is and I'll be in eventually. This whole patience thing takes some getting used to. Haha

Had an email today from the developers saying titling should be happening early June squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Had an email today from the developers saying titling should be happening early June squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

That's fantastic news Melt.
June is just around the corner it shouldn't take long to get here.
Had an email today from the developers saying titling should be happening early June squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

That's fantastic news Melt.
June is just around the corner it shouldn't take long to get here.

Thanks Henry
this year is flying by which is kinda good at the moment!

I received my amended drawings earlier this week and have been having a big stress over the window & clothesline in the void situation. They moved the window down to place the clothesline above it which was all good apart from the fact the window was moved to be 1m off the ground and it is only 50cm tall so it was a random window that you'd have to bend down to see out of. And the clothesline was placed above it but it would have only been a few cm above my head (and I'm not tall!!)- I asked them to move it all up 20cm but was told that wouldn't work. It was then suggested I move the window up real high and have the line under it, that sounded good to me but their drafting people said no because structurally it wouldn't work.

So I've moved the window back to where it was (quite high, but will be good to let light in to the studynook/hallway, and deleted the clothesline completely. Lol. I feel like with the land titling real soon I want everything sorted asap so there's no hold ups for the build starting, and the clothesline just didn't work wherever I tried to place it, so I will look for something that works once the house is complete. No biggie really as they aren't that expensive and I have a clotheshorse to dry my stuff on in the meantime

Also naively thought the build would start as soon as land settles but clarified that today and it won't start until around 60 days after settlement. Also the other 3 terrace houses need to be built at the same time so I hope my future neighbours are as ready for the build to start as I am

Had a phone call today from the developer, the land has been lodged for titling and titling is expected 1-4 of June. That's next week! I was mentally prepared for it to all happen in a few weeks time, not next week! Feeling a bit spewy with nervousness now!

Wow, so much has happened since I checked in last!! Those fur babies are soooo cute squeee!!! I want a puppy
so lucky to have your family surprise you!!

Omg yay! Your land will be titled next week!!! You beauty!! Haha love "spewy with nervousness" lol

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
Had a phone call today from the developer, the land has been lodged for titling and titling is expected 1-4 of June. That's next week! I was mentally prepared for it to all happen in a few weeks time, not next week! Feeling a bit spewy with nervousness now!

You'll be fine Melt. Lots of excitement heading your way which I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.
You can always find help and answers from you friends on this forum if needed
Hi did your land title? Stage 15 did now I am waiting for the permits. Your house sounds lovely I am looking forward to hearing about your house build.
Wow, so much has happened since I checked in last!! Those fur babies are soooo cute squeee!!! I want a puppy
so lucky to have your family surprise you!!

Omg yay! Your land will be titled next week!!! You beauty!! Haha love "spewy with nervousness" lol

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

I was very lucky and spoilt with the pups, I am hoping they are toilet trained by the time my house is ready, at the moment they are making a lot of mess haha! But those faces make everything better

Had a phone call today from the developer, the land has been lodged for titling and titling is expected 1-4 of June. That's next week! I was mentally prepared for it to all happen in a few weeks time, not next week! Feeling a bit spewy with nervousness now!

You'll be fine Melt. Lots of excitement heading your way which I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.
You can always find help and answers from you friends on this forum if needed

Thanks Henry

Hi did your land title? Stage 15 did now I am waiting for the permits. Your house sounds lovely I am looking forward to hearing about your house build.

Yes! It titled on Friday- I've got a meeting with my conveyancer tomorrow after work to sign some documents and I assume make an appointment for settlement!

I got my first variation today- asked for an extra gpo and datapoint on the drawings and also had to pay extra for upgrading to 'soundproof' all external walls on BR1- unfortunately when I originally got a quote pre contract they thought I was only asking for one wall so when I picked up that it wasn't on all 3 walls on the drawings I've had to pay extra to get it how I wanted. Boo. Luckily the credit for the clothesline I asked to be deleted has cancelled out the cost of the insulation so I'm only paying $150 variation

Can a variation dispute hold up handover?

Building A New House

yes it does, you've just not understood it. theres a difference.

Key Handover

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Your house should come in "as new" condition. It should be clean, and without stains

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