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Aussie Living - AMBERTON - Moved in - Decor & Garden

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Looking lovely Justin, love the tulips and how cute are the fur babies
Haha Justin love your pet pictures and stories! The tulips look fantastic and good on you for fighting to get your tree. I love bulbs - quite impressed you've grown them in the short time you've been there!! Well done
Wow Justin your garden looks so nice. Congrats to Jesse on her graduation and a belated happy birthday to the dashing Fiyero on his 4th birthday.
Looking lovely Justin, love the tulips and how cute are the fur babies

Thanks Archetto!! Oh you won't believe what happened to my tulips, the sun scorched them and now I don't have one nice flower in the front haha

They were great while they lasted (approx 2/3 weeks lol)

Haha Justin love your pet pictures and stories! The tulips look fantastic and good on you for fighting to get your tree. I love bulbs - quite impressed you've grown them in the short time you've been there!! Well done

Thanks MalSannie, the furbabies love your comments too!

Thanks - I enjoyed planting and growing them. My partner was looking at me like a crazy man when I jumped around going "omg omg omg my flowers are sprouting!" Hahaha I couldn't believe how fast the Tulips grew, it was scary. Around two weeks from bulb to flowers! Nature is amazing!

Wow Justin your garden looks so nice. Congrats to Jesse on her graduation and a belated happy birthday to the dashing Fiyero on his 4th birthday.

Thanks Sharry!

Jesse told me she appreciates your wishes about her graduation, she said she is feeling nearly like a big dog but she still likes running around crazy! Today we went to whitemen park in the dog area and this dog was totally jumping in her! She actually ran up to me and asked to be picked up! I was like "yay daddy will save you" hahaha

Fiyero says meow aka thanks too lol

Oh poo about your tulips Justin!!
I was just about to comment and say how pretty they are!
They have an 'elegance' about them (tulip lover here) but probably not suited to our climate lol

Oh poo about your tulips Justin!!
I was just about to comment and say how pretty they are!
They have an 'elegance' about them (tulip lover here) but probably not suited to our climate lol

Hahaha thanks - yeah they are lovely hey! They were nice while they lasted lol

Hi my lovely HM family! It's been a while and I'm sorry. Our time apart has not been in vein as I have been super super doooper busy!

Firstly I promised to share with you the interior design blog about my home, it went up last Thursday and was blogged by Elements at Home!

Here it is: ... arnes.html

I have also managed to do some things around the house since I was last here!

New mirror & shelves in master bedroom

I have also created two new garden beds at the back of my house for something nice to look at from the art & spare rooms!

Since I was last year I have done a lot of artwork too with people commissioning works. I am obsessed with high flow acrylics and zebras now but I thought I'd show you some examples

So life has been busy and on top of that I am ready for Christmas as I have done 80% of my Christmas shopping! Super happy but tired and looking forward to a holiday!

So tell me what you think of the interior design blog, my new accessories at home and my artwork! I miss you guys x

x Justin

Hey Jason, love that mirror! Your whole home is incredible and very original!
well done with how it all turned out.

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Wow Justin your blog is awesome. I love your art work and all your new additions to your home. You must be super pleased with every thing. I am however so jealous you are just about ready for Christmas as I have not done a thing. I keep hoping the Christmas elves will come and do it all for me hahaha xx
Justin it looks amazing! I too am jealous you're ready for Christmas because I've not got one single present yet, but I do have decorations so it's a start!

Congrats on featuring on a blog that is pretty cool!

Ps. I love the abstract art, I want something like this in blue tones, once I move in i'll be in touch
P.s your artwork is awesome Jason! Do you sell it?

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Justin it looks amazing! I too am jealous you're ready for Christmas because I've not got one single present yet, but I do have decorations so it's a start!

Congrats on featuring on a blog that is pretty cool!

Ps. I love the abstract art, I want something like this in blue tones, once I move in i'll be in touch

Thanks heaps! Awesome def get in touch as I am doing specific commissions in people's colours ATM!

Our Honeywood Build
P.s your artwork is awesome Jason! Do you sell it?

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.

Yes I do
check out my website

Contact me through there or my Facebook page and we can chat. I can also make up something specific in colours for you!

Sorry I've been calling you Jason!
my bad! Sorry Justin!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Our Honeywood Build
Sorry I've been calling you Jason!
my bad! Sorry Justin!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.

hahahhaa i didn't wanna say anything
*slaps forehead* haha. What a derp

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Our Honeywood Build
Sorry I've been calling you Jason!
my bad! Sorry Justin!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.

Hahahaha I just made as if I didn't see it lol didn't want to point it out!

Heya stranger! Your décor additions and garden look great. Love those floating shelves. And your art looks amazing...I am always in awe of such creativity. You're very talented.
Heya stranger! Your décor additions and garden look great. Love those floating shelves. And your art looks amazing...I am always in awe of such creativity. You're very talented.

Aw thanks Rache X

Hi Justin are those shelves the ones with the lip at the front so nothing slips off ?
Moved in 7 years ago but no Occupation Certificate

Building A New House

Joe, it depends on your certifier but we are noticing the ones we deal with are really cracking down. So i would recommend you follow your approved landscaping plans to…

No Interim Occupation Certificate - NSW but moved in

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Hi Simeon, Thank you for laying it down for us. Makes sense. Appreciate it very much. Have a nice day. Cheers

Epoxy floors in living area

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That would be great -Thank you.

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