This is the first time I have used this forum and would like to introduce you to my build and share the progress. This is my timeline so far:
1 - 2012 Was thinking of building & met a consultant from Home Group WA and Aussie Living
2 - June 2013: Home Group WA failed to assist me with finding Land, I spoke to Aussie Living and love the continued support and advice.
3 - August 2013: Selected a plan and changed the layout more than enough times to suit what I wanted. Now my plan is called "SPECIAL"
4 - November 2013: Put a deposit on my Land in Amberton, Eglinton. Tittles due May 2014
5 - November 2013: Put a deposit down on the build with Aussie Living
6 - Feb 2014: Received the Contract, checked off all changes & upgrades and signed it.
7 - May 27th: Land Titles issues
8 - June 5th: Settlement
9 - June 13th: First Weekly Keystart Payment.
10 - Submission to Council/Developer. This took a month Extra as Aussie Living submitted to the wrong developer
11 - Week 7th October: Grading & Site works begin
12 - Week of 21st October: SLAB DOWN!!
13 - Week 4th November: Bricks/Door & Window Frames Delivered
14 - Week 10th November: Sand/Site shed delivered and ready to go
** 6 week wait between slab finishing and brickwork starting**
15 - 5th December: Brick Work begins
16 - 22nd December: ALL BRICKWORK COMPLETE!!!!
17 - 06 Jan: Roof structure begins. This week they also start on electrical cut ins for conduit & plugs.
18 - Week 12 Jan: Roof still going up, electrician and plumber on site. Down pipes & gutters.
19 - Week of the 26th Jan: rendered walls
20 - Week of the 9th Feb: Tiles on. Float (internal render) started - half of the house done).
21 - Week of the 16th Feb: All tiles finished, internal ceilings up and half of the cornices done.
22 - Week of the 23rd Feb: Internal & external doors, bath and laundry sink delivered. White Set started.
23 - Week of the 2nd March: White set completed, LOCK UP!!!!!!!!!! (bath situated, laundry sink in position).
24 - 9th March: all cabinetry installed including the kitchen (bench tops not included). Tile prep done and Showers & Baths built in.
25 - Week of the 16th March: Site Meeting with builder on 16th. Bench tops, sinks, basins, Robe & Linen cupboard doors in. Ceiling painted. External boundary fencing installation begun.
26 - Week beginning 23rd March: Internal ceiling paint finished, aircon vents & paving delivered
27 - Week beginning 30th March: Aircon installed. Tiling started Wednesday 1st April.
28 - Week beginning 6th April: Tiles just need grout / Electrical Installed / Range hood & oven installed
29 - Week beginning 13th April: Tiling finished / Bulk head damage in kitchen & Dining. Cupboards removed in kitchen to make a start on fixing bulk heads. All plumbing fixtures installed. Driveway Paving & Alfresco complete!
30 - Week beginning 20th: Paving all finished. Hot Water Unit installed. Bulk head fixed (needs to be painted)
31 - Week beginning 27th April: Fly screens installed. Extractor fan re-installed. Teddy Bear Magnolia Tree Planted!!
32 - Week beginning 4th May: Kitchen OH cupboards to be re-installed & Painting Internally has begun.
33 - Week beginning 11th May: Finish painting, door handles, Timbernate flooring started
34 - Week beginning 18th May: carpet, window treatments & power connected to the house. ***7 months since slab down 21st May 2015
35 - Week beginning 25th May: Electrical Commissioning, Mirrors, External Paint, shower screens
PCI: FRIDAY 29th May
36 - PCI Fix List: Aircon Unit needs to be installed, Some general fix ups of paint/knocks and scuff marks. Fixing the flashing to the gable, touch up garage ceiling, fix cornice cracking and some minor roof cracking, replace stolen shower head etc..
37 - KEYS: 12th June 2015
38 - Move in 12th June
39 - Living Decorating & loving Live
I will upload a Plan and Elevation when I can