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House frame not plumb!

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Hi -

How concerned would you be if the house frame is not plumb / square ?

As you can see in the photo, the door frame from which sliding doors will be hung, and which forms the outer perimeter of the house frame is not square, and slowly deviates from the frame above.

Just hoping I can get some advice if this is a "cosmetic" concern and can be trued up with gyprock lining etc?

if it is a concern, what would you expect the corrective action would be to rectify? Can they "reseat" this part of the frame?

The sliding doors will be substantially smaller than the frame and will be packed out to fit. Its likely the look when all is done and dusted will be square. The question is whether this defect has any structural significance. Ask your inspector and whether they can explain it so you have the right ammo to go at the builder with.

Inspectors will raise all their identified defects and use the same language for all of them, so sometimes its hard to determine what is material and what isn't.
Thanks @ponztwo . That's helpful advice.
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