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Cleansing the energy in a home

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I'm a full on believer of not so much feng shui, but working with and feeling energies of other people. I'm quite sensitive to it, or should l say, l could always sense someone else's presence/energy, but have taken it a bit further and am learning how to use it in alternative healing. My DH has always been a pure sceptic with this stuff, but once he starting asking me to do my thing on his shoulder,lol he's obviously become much more open minded about it all and got tangible benefit from it

I'll be doing a cleansing of my block and burying crystals in each corner. And before we move in, l'll be doing a full cleansing of the home too with white sage. I use white sage insence here and it always makes a diffrence to the feeling/energy of the home when l do.

As for feng shui, it interests me alot, but there is so much conflicting info out there on it, so l tend to stick with the common sense stuff side of it and whatever that feels right for me
I also tried to learn more about feng shui myself, I ended up getting some books based on the Flying Star School feng shui. It can be very confusing and as such, I haven't made much headway.

I have a few friends who are Chinese whose grandparents believe very firmly in feng shui andfrom the reading I did myself this type of feng shui appeared to be the most traditional form of feng shui. When I was talking with the grandparents of my friends they were really against the more Western type of feng shui.

Whether there's any real merit in it, who really knows but it's an interesting topic.
Like Thorney, i'm not so sure about Feng Shui but no one can prove or disprove it... but I am a big believer in energy! I seem to feed and respond a LOT to other people's energy's and as a result need to avoid people who are constantly negative as I get quite down myself.

The whole world is made up of energy, everything vibrates with energy but at different speeds/rates. I too have a few different crystals and bury them in the ground from time to time to renew their energy.

I also seem to sometimes get these feelings about certain people to be wary of and they always prove to be true! I know lots of people get this, kind of like a sixth sense in a way.

This doesn't rule my life or anything - far from it, but I do find it interesting. I've not done a lot with my crystals lately, but I am thinking of focusing on it a bit more now to help me stay calm and focussed during the build! I also need to get my essential oils out too for my oil burner!

Your local homewares store should stock good quality (white sage) is preferable and also they may also stock a sage cleansing bouquet which is tied together and you light that and walk around and the smoke wafts around the house, which rids your home of bad energy.
i bought an old house and went there 2 to 3 weeks and even though it was clean it smelt old, not like we owned it and it was ours so yes i cleansed and whether its mind over matter or not, i feel better the house feels like mine, it doesnt smell old, so win win really.

I they are called smudge sticks -
There's a certain time when you feel upset, feeling uncomfortable at your own house and you don't know why. Your energy is draining and you want to sleep for the whole 24 hours of the day.

Upon trying to lit incence sticks into each corner of the house, somewhat a soothing relief you may feel.

Another effective tip! Take a bath regularly!
Like Thorney, i'm not so sure about Feng Shui but no one can prove or disprove it...

Of course no one can disprove it. That's what these sort of practices rely on. They make sure it is so vague that there is no possible way to test it. I could just as easily claim to be able able to influence long-term weather patterns by how I store my socks.
I regularly use smudge sticks, when I'm cleaning the house. It just makes everything feel refreshed and new!

Also another cleansing idea-especially moving into a new home is sprinkle sea salt in all the rooms and vaccum up (I also like to add essential oil to a tub of salt overnight, before sprinkling)

If you're pregnant, please don't use smudge sticks or sage!! -get someone else to do it and make sure your not in the house. Once it has been opened up to get rid of the sage smell, you're safe

Cleansing is also not good when it's that time of the month ladies (as this is meant to be a time of inward energy).
Depending on the house, you will feel when it needs to be cleansed. When I rented in a house (facing a T-junction + also found out previous tenant suffered a mental illness) I felt I needed to cleanse the house religiously every week, and it made a HUGE differenence. Then we moved to a small cottage 30m from the beach, maybe due to being close to the ocean and who lived their previously, I've only smudged maybe once every 2 months.
Glad I found this forum as we are very close to moving in and i have felt being at our new house (just been built) that it doesnt feel like mine. I have been a firm believer in energy for a long time and have studied natural/alternative therapies as well and can read peoples energy.

We have a ghost in my parents house who i am now used to. Always catch glimpses in our loungeroom and have seen it when I have been doing my hair in the mirror in the bathroom (nearly fainted when that happened). I have learn to accept they are there, talk to them if you need to and ask them to leave you in peace and they leave you alone. DP took a long time to believe me until he stayed 1 night and all the lights down stairs turned off on their own (not a power shortage either and tv's stayed on). from then on he believes it all (partially). Also its not an old house as they built it themselves 30 years ago so doesnt matter we believe it is my mums grandmother as we were very close to her and she is there for us.
Ohhh, very interesting!

I too believe in ghosts, once you see or hear them there is no going back.

newbuilder1, your home will fell more like YOUR home once you finish adding your own touches to it.
Crikey mate !! I must live in a shadow. Feng shui ?? Sounds like a brand of fly spray to me

Each to their own, be a funny old world if we all thought the same. My 4 kids will soon make your home feel lived in.
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