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Toughened glass vanity top

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My ensuite vanity is going to be a white plastic wrapped wall hung with a counter top basin.

I want to keep the whole vanity white, including the bench top. Apparently Janper plastic wrap do not durable bench tops in the same colour.

I want to use toughened glass as the bench top as I like the look of basin’s sitting on glass.

My cabinet maker has never used toughened glass as a bench top, and is not sure were to get it from.

Thanks for your thoughts
Suh had one that exploded about 18mths after moving in. Made a lovely mess. She replaced it with c'stone from memory.
Same (very low) risk of breakage in any toughened glass product, splashback, window, dining table top, shower screen, windows & doors.

Try shower screen suppliers, glaziers.

Yes I did, it exploded like a bomb and if someone had been in the room it would have been horrible. l love the glass look but I would not risk it again.
Thanks for the replies, I have been ringing around today and have found a person quite locally who will do the 10mm Starfire toughened glass for $590 or the normal toughened glass (green tinge) for $430

Boy I didn’t think it would be quite that expensive, but……. That’s what I want…..
Have you looked at the toughened glass fence panels at Bunnings? I'm not familiar with the sizes but might pay to check as I would expect they would be cheaper than what you've been quoted and while they might not be starfire glass that slight green tinge adds a nice bit of colour as has happened with my glass basins.

Suh did you find any reason for the glass exploding? It was a huge concern of mine when the shelves in both showers were fitted in the wrong place and shower screens used to crash into the shelf if the door was opened 'in' instead of 'out'. Has been fixed now but still not satisfactory.

Not really, mine was only 5mm, not sure if that had any bearing on it or not and there was little support under it.
mine was only 5mm
Suh, did your glass have the green tinge?

toughened glass fence panels at Bunnings?
HappyCamper not sure if these can be cut to size and have holes drilled in? My neighbour is a glaizer, so I will have to pop my head over the fence tomorrow and get his opinion.
You can't cut toughened glass... all the processing is done pre-toughening. As I say, it's what is in a lot of your windows, and all of your doors, it's in your shower screen too... and it's the top on your glass coffee tables and dining tables... no problem.

Gosh I'm trying to remember, I'm pretty sure it did have a slight green tinge or was it white!!!! I'll have to see if I can find a photo.
Found them, looks slightly green compared to the tiles.

Found them, looks slightly green compared to the tiles.

If that was 5mm unsupported, it was grossly inadequate for a vanity top... looks like it also supported the basin

I know Ed, I tried to argue that with the manufacturer but their product is faultless
it had no bearing "apparently" but common sense tells me otherwise.
Wow, what a mess; the vanity looked lovely before the breakage. I'm pretty sure the cabinet maker is intending on mounting the 10mm glass onto a solid surface, not just suspending it over the cabinet.

I will be asking him to double check this point.

I wonder if I could get by with the 8mm glass, and this would cut the cost down a bit.

I do like the slight green in it also, which would probably work with the walk in robe which is having mirror and green tinged panels.
.......I wonder if I could get by with the 8mm glass, and this would cut the cost down a bit.

Normally *MUCH* cheaper to do it right the first time

Just my $0.02

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Thanks Ardo, they are sort of semi concealed. I think it is only a few millimetres. I see if they can adjust the hinges.

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