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Pros and cons of wall-hung vanity units

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Hi guys

I am thinking of getting wall-hung vanity units for the bathrooms. I like the way they look but don't really like to make final decisions based purelly on the looks. I also want it to be user friendly etc.

So that I can make a well informed decision I am hoping you can help me with pros and cons so I can weigh them all up

My list:

Look cleaner and nicer (personal opinion of course)
Ability to clean the floor underneat witout anything getting caught in there
No way of bottom of the cabinet getting wet and rotting away (hopefully?)

Requires stronger frames to support the vanity (?)
Less storage

This sort of thing

I base all my interior decorating decisions on looks and what I want.....and then I work around that, so that's my advice to you.
We are putting a wall mounted vanity in our bathroom when we renovate, mostly because the bathroom is small and seeing more of the floor makes the room look bigger. If space is not an issue I'd say it's a matter of personal taste!
I base all my interior decorating decisions on looks and what I want.....and then I work around that, so that's my advice to you.

Ahhh, I wish I could be like that

Bad example I know but I for instance love how high heels look on me, but I hardly ever wear them, because they are not very comfortable

So I feel the same about my house, I want it to be user friendly and functional first of all but because I've never had a wall-hung vanity I don't know what they are like and how they "perform"
But isn't that part of the excitement of building a house?

Surely when anyone looks at either a photo or a display home they have an immediate "gut" instinct? This is normally what people base their decision on.

In our case we are having normal vanities in the minor ensuites and powderrooms - we have always had them in our other homes and never had any issues.

In our main ensuite we are having wall-hung as it is 2.4m long and will look brilliant. Plus it is the room that will get the most work out as the kids will use our bathroom for a long time before using theirs. This way I can vaccuum underneath the vanity.

But in agreeance with what SuH said previously: What do you like - don't worry about any thing other then do you and your partner like them or not? Are they within your budget? Do they go with your surroundings?

Only you can decide this and make the decision.
I lerve the look of them but someone once said to me it can be a bit of a pain to clean the floor underneath! I mean really how hard can it be???

We have priced lots of vanities and the wall hung units generally seem more expensive and that could be because they are very fashionable right now. Ask yourself if you think they will look dated in 10 years....well actually most things will look dated in 10 years so who cares? I say go for it

I lerve the look of them but someone once said to me it can be a bit of a pain to clean the floor underneath! I mean really how hard can it be???

We have priced lots of vanities and the wall hung units generally seem more expensive and that could be because they are very fashionable right now. Ask yourself if you think they will look dated in 10 years....well actually most things will look dated in 10 years so who cares? I say go for it


Hmmm, that's odd, isn't it? I thought it would be easier ::dizzy::
OK I've been on and off the forum today...and everytime I see this thread title I have to re-read it...does anybody else read this thread title as "Pros and cons of well-hung vanity units"...
Nup.... it's just you. Cos you're strange.
I lerve the look of them but someone once said to me it can be a bit of a pain to clean the floor underneath! I mean really how hard can it be???

We have priced lots of vanities and the wall hung units generally seem more expensive and that could be because they are very fashionable right now. Ask yourself if you think they will look dated in 10 years....well actually most things will look dated in 10 years so who cares? I say go for it


Usually, if the price of a wall hung is more than a vanity on a kicker then that means they have to upgrade the thickness and sturdyness of the back of the unit. If your supplier automatically uses 16mm board on the back, it shouldn't cost more because there is in fact less materials used.

I love the look of wall hung. We just had to replace one in our current ensuite due to a leaking shower. One good dose of water and it was shagged. I am definitely going wall hung in the new house. Cleaning is easy, its a straight mop thru, no legs to get in the way or kicker that has corners to clean around.
Costs more in tiles as you need to tile the area you can see.
i prefer the wall mounted from a practical point of view. They're up off the ground so they stay nice and dry and cleaning the floor is so easy, the mop gets underneath no problem and you dont have any gaps or joins to collect dirt so it's quick and easy to do the floor. It also gives you a spot to put your bathroom scales
we are having the same debate at home and hubby won on one point alone "practicality" he thinks its easier to shave at the mirror as his feet will go underneath so he can get closer to the edge of the vanity.made sense to me but i do love em but we will get ours at auctions and save heaps
bingoshelley that was the another pro I was going to mention but completely forgot! yep, you can stand nice and close to the vanity without a kickboard getting in the way

I wouldnt have anything else after having wall mounted, I cant find any cons to it
There's an alternative that might save $$ - I'm not sure though, you'd have to price them both.

Ours have quite a small plinth supporting the vanity - it sits back so far that you wouldn't even know it's there. It looks like a floating vanity, but has the support of a standard floor-based one. To make the plinth visually "disappear", we had ours tiled to match the floor.

You can still mop right around it, and slop water all around the base without worrying about damage to timber or laminates. I don't have a decent photo of ours, but it's this sort of effect:

but i want the cupboard and drawers ones i did see one with 3 cupboards but the drawers were hidden behind the door i thought the symetry looked great
I love wall-hung vanities
BUT, we're not having one.

Basically, it came down to storage.

I think I read on here the idea of tiling the vanity in (a bit like in the photo kek posted, but with just a normal vanity). I think that would help solve the issue of it getting water damaged etc. Has anyone done that?
I have wall hung vanities in the ensuite and downstairs bathroom. It looks really nice, spacious and very easy to clean (no muck on the cabinets because they are off the ground)
Plenty of storage...really comes down to how the cabinet maker designs them. I will say it does take a bit of planning at the initial stage as all piping has to go through the walls and not directly through the floor.

It really comes to personal taste, no right or wrong way, just what you like

Mrs B
I don't think storage would differ substantially. The standard cabinets don't go all the way to the floor anyway - there's always a space under them, with a kicker around the base. So unless you raise a wall-hung unit quite a way off the floor, you're not going to lose anything much in the way of storage.

Loke Mrs B says, it comes down to taste. Oh and how much you're prepared to spend.
Has anyone said wall hung vanities make the room look bigger
if not I am now.
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Thank you again Simeon.. I will call my certifier for that. Have a good day

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