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Yay - ensuite renovations... Nearly done!!!

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Still a LONG way to go... but my vision of the big ensuite window is starting to come to life!!

This is how it looked once we'd pulled down the walls from the previous rooms - essentially, we've turned 2 bedrooms (one which was quite small) into a master bedroom, walk-in robe, walk-in linen closet and ensuite.

Then the frame went up and I had to use my imagination for the big window

This is how it looked yesterday
Excuse the leaf collecting cat enclosure... that will be getting moved!

And looking from the outside in

The window now also has the extra framing for 3 small windows at the top, so that I can have a window which opens. The big window will be a fixed pane of glass. I'm also getting one-way glass put in so we have the view with some privacy... and I'm getting a light put in outside (with a switch in the bathroom) so that at night we can turn the outside light on so the glass stays one-way (otherwise at night we wouldn't be able to see out, but someone outside would be able to see in.

We have decided on the Medina Bath from Caroma, this will run along the wall under the window

It's getting sooo exiting!! We even have the plumbing fixtures in place for taps etc now!! Wont be long before the cut up the concrete to put the pipes down...

I do wish I could just click my fingers and the whole house reno would be finished, but it's quite exciting coming home from work each day to see the progress.
That's looking good, keep the photos coming
love that black tile surround on the bath
Very exciting, please remember to post updates and take lots of photos
Some more progress

Plumbers have done all the pipes in the walls and just this week getting the plumbing in the floor done. The builders have also been working on framing the outside and putting the foilboard up.

I was originally going to have the toilet section of the ensuite completely closed off (ie with a door), but my builder said it would be better if we just had a full height wall half way across (no door, just a gap). Then he also suggested putting in a window - and I LOVE IT!!! Every single day I thank my lucky stars we found this builder.

Pic from the outside, the door is a new doorway and wil eventually lead into the kitchen. The next lot of doors are the master bedroom and the large window at the end of the house is the ensuite.

The big window has been framed up. I wanted the large window to be a fixed pane of glass, so he's building 3 smaller windows at the top - the middle one will be able to be opened so we can get some fresh air in the bathroom

Taps / pipes done, before the dividing wall for the toilet went up and before the concrete was cut for the floor plumbing

Concrete cut out & dirt dug up for the plumbing

View of the dividing wall from the ensuite doorway

And a view from the window. I just love the effect of the dividing wall and especially love the little window in it. We will hopefully find a really nice stained glass panel to go in there.

Some other pics..

This is the bedroom, looking through into the walk-in-robe (with the window, the robe goes around to the right)

We are moving the kitchen and whilst I can use the pipes in the wall from what used to be the old ensuite, we found out we had to put a new drain in. So when they said they'd need to take up some of the slate I asked if they could just take out one 'row' of slate, so it would be easier to patch back up... but I never knew just how neatly they would take it out!!

Wow! Big job and is looking great.

Please keep the pics coming, I love reading others progress.
such excellent pictures, you must be pleased!


It's so exciting seeing it all coming together. We are so happy with the result of the first section we renovated (2 bedrooms & created a new living area), I just can't wait until the whole house is done

The fact that I've essentially done all the planning myself with my trusty 20m measuring tape (and some input from hubby, and of couse the advice from this forum) makes it all extra special
You're going to have a very relaxing bath with that view out the window.. nice job so far!
That is starting to look awesome ... ove a good bathroom reno!
Wow so much has happened from the first lot of photos to the second. Can't wait to see it all shiny and new
Today we got a quote for our bath, toilet, vanity etc and looked again at tiles.

In an effort to try and visualise what different tile configurations would look like I played around with some software I have... and whilst it wasn't all that useful for looking at colours (though not too bad), it was quite nice to see a visual representation of what the ensuite will look like eventually!!

I don't think the dimensions are quite right, but not too far off - it is a long narrow room

Anyway, I figured I'd share my efforts with you guys
Hopefully it wont be too long before I'm proudly posting photos of our actual ensuite!

These are the "glass house" versions, you can sort of see all aspects of the ensuite

Looking from the big window back into the ensuite

A couple looking back the other way, from up near the toilet (a bit hard to get the views from this end because of the walls).

At this stage, we're planning on having the same (or similar) colour floor & wall tiles, to give the appearance of more space, with a border tile the whole way around. Not sure yet about having different colour tiles on the front of the bath (the bath will be tiled the whole way around). We like that look, but not sure if it will be too busy in a small room.
Not sure if people are interested, but I'll post another update anyway
I know I silently watch a number of threads, so maybe there's a few who are doing the same

Floor boards are down in the bedroom & walk-in robe.

Excuse all the building mess in the photos... guess it comes with the territory when renovating!!! The skip is empty now so we can get rid of some more rubbish.

Looking from the walk-in back across the bedroom - the double doors will open onto a "private" section of our outdoor area. Oh, and my builder seemed to forget the conversation we'd had about re-doing the bit under the window where the cat door is... not to worry, it should get sorted out next week

A very exciting (not) pic of the dusty walk-in robe floor

Back to the ensuite... The glass is in the windows now!! yay! more glass to clean...

Looking through the little window in the privacy wall for the toilet

And the privacy wall, a bit less distraction in the photo now the dirt is all gone and the pipes are concreted in

And a few pics showing what the view will eventually be like - at the moment, it's all chicken wire (from the old cat enclosure) and building materials... but if you look behind all that, it's actually well worth having the huge window

you know that walk in shower looks better every day! Very futuristic IMO
Good effort! I like it all and will be expecting progress pics till completely finished!

I love watching others progress, it gives me motivation to keep going with my reno...
Wow, it's looking really good
And yes, please continue to post updates!
This is sort of turning into a bedroom & ensuite thread! LOL

Painting has started... just the under coat so far...

I seem to always cut the ceiling out of the photos, so here's a of "before" photo showing the dark pine ceiling.

And how it's looking so far...

In the ensuite, only the ceiling & toilet area is getting an undercoat at the moment. The rest of the painting will happen after the tiling. The bath has been delivered, and will be getting framed up & installed tomorrow. The underfloor heating will be installed on Tuesday (hopefully!) and tiling will start after that

And a couple of random photos... even though the river is a controlled flow so always has water, it's always nice to see it with lots of water due to the rain (this is our backyard)
About 50mls in the last few days around here.

And my dog Bailey seems pretty happy with the progress so far

Hi esg! Glad you found this forum

I was looking at the window in your first post going 'gee that looks familiar'
The renos are looking great, no wonder you're so pleased! So jealous of your view too, it's so beautiful! I really like how the roof looks now too.

How cute is Bailey!
Hey DA!!

Yeah, really happy with how it's all coming along. A little snap happy, but oh well

Bath frame is up & under floor heating has been laid.

And my nice new deep bath (old one was very shallow) is just sitting there begging to be used... so I thought I'd have first bath - a cold-air bath, but oh well

The roof looks awesome! I'm loving seeing the progress of the reno - I don't reckon you can take enough photos! Just make sure at the end you print some out to put in an album!

With my build I'm going to regularly print some out so I don't have to just show people on the computer all the time!
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