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Building ForumBathrooms and Laundry

Gas leak during renovation

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Hi All

We've recently renovated our bathroom and and kitchen, quite an old free standing house that hasn't been renovated in 30+years. Plumbers have refitted the pipes around the place is we moved the location of the sink/ bath tub etc. After they came out our gas bill was x4 normal price, got the plumbers back to investigate and they told us there was a leak which has happened after their work as they check before they start any work. Concurrently we also reviewed the bill and noticed the gas usage reading was completely off, went back to our gas provider and they agreed it was incorrect and revised the bill which was then back to how much we would normally pay. Went back to the plumber with this information and they advised that regardless there was still definitely a leak, noting that because our pipes are old when they're upgrading certain areas it can cause a leak in the old/existing pipes and that's something that they don't know until they came out and test it again. The timing of it all seemed very suspicious to us, they've also said that they will not issue a certificate unless we fix the leak which will cost us an additional $4k. Any plumbers/ or home owners experienced this before, who could give any advice?

Thanks in advance
Hey kat_aus Welcome to the forum
Unfortunately, That's a problem we are seeing atm on Licenses, ie, Plumbers, electricians, engineers, building surveyors and builders, they'll withhold certificates until you pay up (you can do without licensed painters and architects (lol, aka, Artistic Trades) as there are no certificates) You'll need to figure out what a fair price is before you engage with them.
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