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Building ForumBathrooms and Laundry

Bathroom floor level

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We wanted to have the bathroom floor same height as the bedroom, all rooms are on one same level of concrete floor now. My question is if I can use power tools to remove 40mm of the current concrete floor so when tiles plus adhesive put down they will meet my timber floor level in the bedroom? Is it safe to do so in terms of the structural of the slab? This is on our first floor, suspended concrete floor is 220mm thick.

Thanks heaps!
anyone please help...
No you can't.
Suspended slabs are engineered to have a certain depth and cover on reinforcement.
If you just take to the slab and grind or cut out a recess you may cause an issue.
You would need to speak with an engineer and also check with whoever inspected your reinforcing steel to make sure all the proper cover was installed to see if it is doable.
It is something that should always be checked on plans prior to construction.
Speak to the engineer and probably you don't need 40 mm, just 25 will do.

Also, you can also consider laying out waterproof laminate instead of tiles (e.g. Aqua-Step).
As the others have said, you can’t remove 40mm, You could grind down 5-10mm around the floor wastes and use a 20-30mm angle at the door. This can give you 30-40mm of fall. Assuming 20mm stick down timber floor that would be either no step or a 10mm step. My builder made a small timber ramp with the last board to cover the 10mm. The tiler might need an improved screed if it is very thin
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