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The question no-one wants to ask......

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Congratulations Joles on by far the most entertaining, funniest and inquisitive thread I have ever read. There should be some sort of award for this thread!! LOVE IT!!

Joles, you rock!!


Amen to that!

I never could work out how in the hell a bidet was actually used either...but by golly now that l have been thoroughly educated on the matter, omg, l can't believe how freakin complicated these things are!!...straddle, aim, adjust flow, adjust aim, adjust temperature, dry or don't
....WTF?? bugger that for joke!
Hahahahah what a thread!

Oh, and why would you??? ...Really....!!!!!!!!!!

They had one in the Mernda Brookvale display. I doesn't really even look that...umm...'inviting'!!!

Especially in winter, I would definitely be bypassing the "cleanup" on nights like this
what do you dry yourself with....a towel??? then what do you do with the towels, do you double dip
uh uh
do they make botty towels, how many botty towels would one go through in one day
God the questions are never ending

That was my train of thought too Suh!!
.... this thread has strangely enough made me want to try using one..

Do we have thread of the year awards? If we do then this has to get a mention

Oh jeeze this is good!

I nearly wet my pants!
I guess all people here are serious! seriously laughing
Fu Manchu

Do we have thread of the year awards? If we do then this has to get a mention

Oh jeeze this is good!

I nearly wet my pants!

Fu if you wet yourself you will need to find a bidet to clean off in.

Yep still sticking with the sorbent here thanks
Jo, looks like we shouldn't have wasted months mulling over it - you should have just started this thtread - mountains of information - and lots of laughs!!!!

See, now you know why, even though I loved that display where it all began, and upgraded to the same toilet, I was happy to leave the bidet , with all it's botty towel, high squirting , do-I-hover-forwards-or-backwards?, left overs and other convoluted dilemmas to the person who bought that display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder how they're getting on with that bidet......
Maybe they need to read this thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are not going to believe this.... I was talking to the boy last night on msn and I sent him the link to this thread for a laugh....... his parents have a bidet.

But wait..... there's more! They have two!
One in the ensuite and one in the main.

I've been to his parents' house briefly but not used the toilet!
And we'd never discussed bidets before!

But he did say he doesn't think anyone has ever used them!
Fu Manchu

Do we have thread of the year awards? If we do then this has to get a mention

Oh jeeze this is good!

I nearly wet my pants!

DH dragged me away from my puter last night to go out for dinner
NO NO I said
just leave me here
how funny has this gotten. Fu now wetting his pants
Teena Ladies help with that problem Fu

I forgot they didn't have a lid
that makes it trickier AND COLDER!!!! I have been to many a toilet in Italy and let me tell you, they were THE most disgusting anywhere, apart from Egypt, yep they were worse
So maybe Italians don't do the bidet thing, is it more a French thing???
SO does everyone just share the botty towel
or do visitors bring their own botty towel, I would definitely want my name on my botty towel "SUE'S BOTTY TOWEL" AND what happens if you accidentally use someone elses?? do you fess up or just put it back on the rack hoping they don't notice
You are not going to believe this.... I was talking to the boy last night on msn and I sent him the link to this thread for a laugh....... his parents have a bidet.

But wait..... there's more! They have two!
One in the ensuite and one in the main.

I've been to his parents' house briefly but not used the toilet!
And we'd never discussed bidets before!

But he did say he doesn't think anyone has ever used them!

you have to be careful who you share your bidet discussions with jo

This thread got long overnight !!!

To answer the previous questions :

a. Yes it feels great ! especially if you can alter the water temperature and pressure... kinda ticklish
(oops DW is reading this ...)

b. You have a wipe after and then flush the paper

Did someone post this ??

See I also have a serious side

SO does everyone just share the botty towel
or do visitors bring their own botty towel, I would definitely want my name on my botty towel "SUE'S BOTTY TOWEL" AND what happens if you accidentally use someone elses?? do you fess up or just put it back on the rack hoping they don't notice

I'm with you on this Sue, the botty towel has me worried! I struggle a bit with a hand towel, wondering who else has used it and how clean were their hands when they wiped them! NOW if there is a bidet around I have to worry that they have also wiped their botty with it!! Too scarey!

EDIT: Forgot to add that I have just gotten in trouble from DH for not staying on task.
I'm supposed to be writing student reports but my tears and loud laughing gave the game away!! He asked what I had written that was so funny and should something that funny really be in a student report!
My parents put the plug in and fill it up with water and let the dogs drink out of it, ekk

Literally nearly hurled. You can't just come out with something like that
There should be a warning

I'm catching up - only just found this thread. Hope there are no more surprises like that one. I'll get a bucket just in case cause this is v.funny

OK, I have caught up now. Thanks for the laughs. Owe you.
So are there any more questions that are too scarey to ask? Now's the time.
You won't believe this...

About 2 weeks ago, for some strange unknown reason... this very same question entered the chasms of my mind!

I recall looking up you tube, but came away none the wiser!

Guess its trial & error!


BTW, I'm sure some bright spark posted here before about bidets!
lol this is a good thread...

My expericence with a bidet was actually in a hospital setting in the US, AFTER, not Before I gave birth to my first child.

Um, trying to be delicate is a bit tricky but , I had a hell of a lot of stitches, as some of you might know what I mean, and using a bidet was the easiest way to get clean without serious pain lol
It was a very easy stream and didnt splash all over the place.

We had soft towels to blot dry afterwards and tossed them into a hamper to be washed
looks like we need a slip slop slap type of campain. This thread is hillarious
Petal and I have been chatting about this for months.... I have been to Europe.... Petal has lived in Europe... so we have a little bit of life experience
..... BUT neither of us can figure out how the frig you actually use a bidet!

I mean we understand the basics..... kind of
..... but how exactly do you use it and what exactly do you do?

You can all laugh.... but I am serious!

police suspect bowel play
This thread is hiralious.

On a more serious question of Why use bidet?
Because using too much toilet paper (dry) is bad for you.
Bidet are particularly useful for people with haem0rrh0ids.
No, I don't have h.... but if you don't believe me, ask your doctor.

Like Steveo, I have also been to Japan on a number of occasions. On some models, there're like a dozen different buttons on it, controlling temperature, water pressure, dial for focus, fore/aft adjustment, memory setting, etc.

Thank god for H1. No one would ask their friends these questions, and their friends won't tell.
Methinks some people have too much of fixation on this part of the anatomy
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