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The question no-one wants to ask......

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My parents have always builts houses with them. My step dad uses them every time. I've tried to use them a few times but I find them a hassle, so gave up. My parents put the plug in and fill it up with water and let the dogs drink out of it, ekk

So how exactly are they used?
Here it is jo.........just for you :
Southies! The squirt seems much harder than I expected!

he put the towel right back on the bench...

heading to europe in a few weeks... each time I pee I'll be thinking of you guys and this thread...
Please make sure you're using a bidet when you think of us all back here on our boring Aussie loos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Southies! The squirt seems much harder than I expected!

Hey don't look at me
Jo ! I don't want'll just have to figure it out yourself Jo
afterall, you're the only one who knows how you like it
. Oh dear, that doesn't sound right
. I'm outta here..............
This thread is too weird!! But to bloody funny too!!

I would never use one of those! I am having awful visions of 'leftovers' floating in the bidet for the next person to enjoy!!
I know how to use them ... I saw Crocodile Dundee. It's for brushing your teeth.
The squirt seems much harder than I expected!

oh, its not about that, its a thread about toilets :
lynnebin's a trouble maker too then and erinleigh and PK

me not a trouble maker no no no
"Be sure that you know where the water will be coming from ahead of time, or you could end up with a surprise shower"

this thread is too funny!!!!

I googled and found this step by step guide. I also saw a youtube link as someone else posted but didn't watch it, I imagine it's very handy. (the link that is)

Yes the squirts are quite high I believe. I would hate to miss and get squirt all over the bathroom
I can imagine they take a few practices (and wet bathrooms!!) to use properly!

Pregnant or not, I don't like the hover idea at all
would feel like am at public loo!!

Use the toilet first. The purpose of the bidet is to help clean off after toilet use. While some people believe that using a bidet is a hygienic substitute for toilet paper, many choose to use both.
Straddle the bidet. On most standalone bidets you can either face the bidet's water controls or you can face away from them, as you would on a toilet. It is easier to control the flow and temperature of the water if you face the controls, but if you are wearing pants you will generally need to remove them in order to straddle the bidet in this manner. There are a variety of bidet designs, so the configuration of the jets and the area of your body that you wish to clean may dictate which way you need to face.
Adjust the temperature and jet strengths for comfort. If the bidet has both hot and cold water controls, start by turning on the hot water. Once it's hot, add the cold water until you have a comfortable temperature. (In normally hot climates, such as the middle east, you should start with the cold water. The water will not need time to heat up and you may end up burning sensitive areas if you turn the hot water on first.)

Be very careful when turning on the water, as many bidets can produce a very high jet of water with only a slight turn of the control.
Be sure that you know where the water will be coming from ahead of time, or you could end up with a surprise shower.
You may find that you need to hold the control to keep the jets on.
Position yourself over the water jets so that the jets hit the desired area. For some bidets you can continue to hover above the bidet or you can sit down on it. Note that most bidets don't have seats, but are still meant to be sat upon; you just sit directly on the rim. Some bidets do not have jets, but instead simply have a faucet that fills the basin, as you would fill a sink basin.
Clean anal area and/or genitals. Generally, you simply allow the jets to clean the desired area without having to use your hands. If there are no jets, you will need to use your hands to assist in bathing. You can use soap if you want to, applying it just as you would in the shower.
Dry your skin. Some bidets have a built-in air dryer that you can use. For others, simply pat dry with toilet paper. Many bidets have a towel on a ring positioned next to the bidet, but this is often intended for drying hands.
Rinse out the bidet. Once you are off the bidet, run the jets at very low pressure for a few seconds to rinse the basin and keep the bidet fresh.
Wash your hands with soap and water, as you would any time after using the toilet.
The instructions for using toilet paper are much simpler.
That's awfully complicated.
You can straddle it front on? OMG!

Then if it's too hot it will burn your bits???

This sounds more and more like an accident waiting to happen if I tried to use one!
Congratulations Joles on by far the most entertaining, funniest and inquisitive thread I have ever read. There should be some sort of award for this thread!! LOVE IT!!

And must admit I have always done the wide circle walk around the bidet in fear of it.....would have no idea to use it but can't see the point in wetting bits that have just been dried at all.

Joles, you rock!!

This thread is too weird!! But to bloody funny too!!

I would never use one of those! I am having awful visions of 'leftovers' floating in the bidet for the next person to enjoy!!

That's just wrong!
I am having awful visions of 'leftovers' floating in the bidet for the next person to enjoy!!

leftovers are much better kept in the fridge for the next person to enjoy
and Joles as for sitting forward
again I must stress aim is could also close your eyes and pretend your on a water slide.......

Everything you (n)ever wanted to know about bidets.
My Nanna and Grandad had one in their old house and their new apartment
also has one, I have used it once and never again, I don't see the need TBH.

This one just squirted, not cupping/splashing water with this one.

I always wondered "why" myself, why would you?
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