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I have been into that Bali rocks shop.
Was chasing a couple of those Cecko's.

Didnt notice letter boxes tho
I saw a cool wrought iron letterbox at the garden show 2 years ago. It was two leafy stems coming together with a flower in the middle that created the letterbox. Probably doesn't really describe it well but it looked fantastic & had a lovely art deco-type of feel to it.

We're building our own letterbox. No brickie would take it on because there's too much work around at the moment, so it's been an interesting learning curve (but it hasn't fallen down yet - so that's good!!).
Okay I'm reviving an old thread here, but I've seen some really quirky ones :,_ ... lboxes.htm ... ategory=73

pity they'd just get nicked the first week you have it out
I saw this one when visiting our builder's display home - this was on the house next door:

That would have to be the most stunning letterbox, very simple, very me.
This is something along the lines of what i'm looking at for a letterbox:

This one is located in the next street to us...still a work in progress but not bad for a DIY job!!!!

We'll probably build the structure out of Hebel and clad it with the stacked stone...with chrome/stainless steel accessories and it will match the retaining wall we also have to build at the front.... Then probably sandstone capping for the top....

But we only want one about 800mm wide, not two as pictured here....

Aaaaaahhhh my list of jobs for hubby to do after handover is growing by the minute!!!!!
I saw this one when visiting our builder's display home - this was on the house next door:

Is that just a rendered brick pillar with a curved letterbox? In the photo, it looks like the pillar is concaved, probably just an illusion.
I think it is just rendered brick
I like that to Paula - gorgeous
Click Here for my little handiwork. cant seem to add attachments at the moment...
We ordered our new letterbox over the weekend. We were initially going to build one out of Hebel and clad it with stacked stone and sandstone cap to match the retaining wall that we'll be putting in the front garden.

But whilst at the Home Show, we found the same place that we bought our last letterbox for our old house....and we liked one of their new designs...and not too expensive either....

Here's what it looks like:

We'll paint/render it the same colour as the feature render (Barn Rafter) and we're thinking of tarting it up with some stainless steel in the centre strip with stainless steel no. on it.

If it looks crappy then we'll still clad it in the stacked stone and keep the stainless steel feature in it....

We bought it from Distinctive Pillars & Mailboxes in Dandenong.
It's 1090mm high and 430mm2 base. There is also a smaller version if anyone wants one and that's too big.
It ended up costing us $340 - got a 15% disc from the Home Show.

Hey if you want a letterbox, ask them for the show special price and you'll get the 15% disc!!!

Something different i suppose?

That's the same as our neighbour's letter box and DH loves it.

That's the same as our neighbour's letter box and DH loves it.

VJ, did your neighbours paint theirs or "pimped" it up in anyway???

Hey a new show perhaps??? Pimp my Letterbox?? What do you think??? LOL

Hopefully our S/S detail will make it that little bit different to the rest...
Very nice!!!!

Your house is giong to look great.

When you say satinless steel strip, where do you mean?
VJ, did your neighbours paint theirs or "pimped" it up in anyway???

Sorry P, I just read this one today...

I'm at home taking a sickie... collapsed and hit my head on a steel chair.

Anyway, yes, our neighbour painted theirs the same as their... hmm... I think the colour of the cladding.
Very nice!

Hey a new show perhaps??? Pimp my Letterbox?? What do you think??? LOL

Ouch!!! Poor VJ, I hope you feel better soon
I'm at home taking a sickie... collapsed and hit my head on a steel chair.

OMG VJ, hope you're OK??????

I know what that's like....i did the same once and ended up in Emergency with staples in my head!!! (no jokes please)

You take care of yourself!!!!
I made a point of driving past this one today to take a photo with my mobile. Unfortunately it hasn't come out well. But I'm sure you'll all recognise what it is. I've certainly not seen one in a house before. And yes it is a minature of the real thing. Looks pretty close to what I remember the real ones looking .
Hey there Phoenix,

Did you know that you can get these satin chrome insets from bunnings, then get the brickie to brick it up for you. Then get it rendered the same colour as the portico .... mmm...i think that would really suit.

Whatever you decide, if its a heavy structure, make sure you put down a slab, even 60mm thick, this will make sure that it never leans! Afterall, you don't want the leaning letterbox of phoenix!

Hey there Phoenix,

Did you know that you can get these satin chrome insets from bunnings, then get the brickie to brick it up for you. Then get it rendered the same colour as the portico .... mmm...i think that would really suit.

Whatever you decide, if its a heavy structure, make sure you put down a slab, even 60mm thick, this will make sure that it never leans! Afterall, you don't want the leaning letterbox of phoenix!


We tried this but it was more trouble that it was worth and the inserts are not cheap.

So its off to buy a letterbox for us.
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