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Newcastle House-landscaping - veggies, general trial + error

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Oh wow Cat they look amazing
even without grout

Wow you have done so much, that pool looks so inviting and vege patch for children is awesome.

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Wowie, yous have come a long way!!! Well done with the landscaping, yous have done an awesome job and in such a small time period! Tough work physically and mentally! Your pool looks unreal! I thought Anthony was coming yesterday but the appointment isn`t until next week. We`ll see what he suggests for our back yard. Hopefully we can make it work where we have in mind
Well it's been quite some time since I posted an update! Rather than bore with details, I'll just share some photos.

Sparkly new glass pool fence. Garden with a mixture of plants which I might post about tomorrow. Shade cloth and timber pickets in garden to protect on those very hot summer days we've had.

Vegetable garden has gone bananas (well zuchinnis/pumpkins)...

Squash gone wild:

Zucchinis out our ears:

One little pumpkin plant grew up the photinia and into the neighbours jacaranda. See his little pumpkin growing circled:

It got so big it needed a chair:

There are about ten large pumpkins now, and another twenty odd deciding whether or not to grow bigger.

Started a garden down the back on the other side, and started the side boundary hedge finally. Had bought murrarya, but then decided on viburnum. Accidently bought Emerald Lustre (the gloss version) with larger leaves instead of odoratissimum, but all good. Fingers crossed its still okay..... If anyone thinks otherwise let me know ASAP! I have bought quite small plants, for a third of the length, so not too late/expensive to change it.

Well it's been quite some time since I posted an update! Rather than bore with details, I'll just share some photos.

Sparkly new glass pool fence. Garden with a mixture of plants which I might post about tomorrow. Shade cloth and timber pickets in garden to protect on those very hot summer days we've had.

Vegetable garden has gone bananas (well zuchinnis/pumpkins)...

Squash gone wild:

Zucchinis out our ears:

One little pumpkin plant grew up the photinia and into the neighbours jacaranda. See his little pumpkin growing circled:

It got so big it needed a chair:

There are about ten large pumpkins now, and another twenty odd deciding whether or not to grow bigger.

Started a garden down the back on the other side, and started the side boundary hedge finally. Had bought murrarya, but then decided on viburnum. Accidently bought Emerald Lustre (the gloss version) with larger leaves instead of odoratissimum, but all good. Fingers crossed its still okay..... If anyone thinks otherwise let me know ASAP! I have bought quite small plants, for a third of the length, so not too late/expensive to change it.

Wow Cat your pool looks beautiful
your veggie garage den made me laugh how awesome that you have so much!! Can’t wait to have a veggie patch will have to grow opposite to you & we can trade

Good to hear from you again and your garden is very productive. How about having family fun day opening popup shop in front of your house selling produce from your garden.

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Wow that’s insanely beautiful work Cat. Loving the garden! What’s next? Any farm animals? Hehe

Man you can even run and bomb into the pool!

Looking great cat!
Omg, that pool and view from the entertaining area is so nice. Some great choices in the garden next to the pool. That will mature nicely in a couple of years.

Sorry to say this but the virburnum is too close to the fence. I'd be worried that the hedge would topple over or even worse, get twisted and deformed.
You need about .5m spacing from the fence and .8m between each plant. Yes they look small now, but in 3 years time that hedge will be thick and bushy.

Wow cat look how beautiful your back garden is. Everything has taken off beautifully and the pool fencing looks amazing. Love it all, the veggie garden is fab, are you loving eating your own produce?

I bet your 2 Littlies have grown like weeds too

So our pumpkin decided to take over the whole back corner of the yard. We've eaten two so far, with another 14 large ones under there not quite ready yet.

I've dug up a lot of grass and extended the future veggie patch out, which I've allowed the pumpkin to grow over. Method was digging the grass up with mattock, then several layers of cardboard to try prevent the grass growing back, then sugar cane mulch.

The pumpkin will die up soon as it gets colder, then I'll consider my next move!

You can see loads of marigolds in the planter box. I didnt realise that bee's aren't fond of them so they're going soon too and will be replaced with flowers the buzzy bees do love.

There's seeds planted in the bed and they've just started popping through. Broccoli, carrots, snow peas, cauliflower. I'm not sure what will grow, trial and error!

Beautiful blue bee found on our lavenders.

Wow cat look how beautiful your back garden is. Everything has taken off beautifully and the pool fencing looks amazing. Love it all, the veggie garden is fab, are you loving eating your own produce?

I bet your 2 Littlies have grown like weeds too

Yes its so rewarding! Just trying to master the art of exactly when to pick it all.

The little ones have grown so big, so quickly!
Looking great cat!
Omg, that pool and view from the entertaining area is so nice. Some great choices in the garden next to the pool. That will mature nicely in a couple of years.

Thank you! I hope we dont live to regret the golden cane there. Will hope to keep them tame in size. Fingers crossed.

Sorry to say this but the virburnum is too close to the fence. I'd be worried that the hedge would topple over or even worse, get twisted and deformed.
You need about .5m spacing from the fence and .8m between each plant. Yes they look small now, but in 3 years time that hedge will be thick and bushy.

Yep you say that but my MIL has a 500mm deep viburnum hedge around her fence. it is absolutely gorgeous! Admittedly its the odoratissimum, so smaller leaves than this one. I suspect i'll take these out and replace with the odoratissimum as it can grow more compact. I'll be definitely sure to photograph hers to show you. It has taken her time keeping it trimmed and dense, but im willing to put the effort in to replicate it. Its so amazing
Wow that’s insanely beautiful work Cat. Loving the garden! What’s next? Any farm animals? Hehe

Man you can even run and bomb into the pool!

Tehehe if only we could have farm animals! I've pitched the idea of chickens to my husband many times, but we both agree they'd have bucklies chance with our two whippets.

Edit - I did also suggest to Hubster we can probably fit a pony in our yard. He's not keen.
Not sure about anyone else, but I can't seem to throw any cuttings out. Any time i trim the hedges i end up keeping the little chaps, popping them into water, then moving to these little pots once they've sprouted. They're my other little babies
Going to need to move them into the sun now that winter has hit though!

Loves your pumpkin patch. That the joy of seeing healthy plant take over.
so much nicer to eat and cook something that comes from your own garden.

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Yep you say that but my MIL has a 500mm deep viburnum hedge around her fence. it is absolutely gorgeous! Admittedly its the odoratissimum, so smaller leaves than this one. I suspect i'll take these out and replace with the odoratissimum as it can grow more compact. I'll be definitely sure to photograph hers to show you. It has taken her time keeping it trimmed and dense, but im willing to put the effort in to replicate it. Its so amazing

Still waiting for that " told ya so" moment cat!
Happy to eat my hat, but I've seen many virb disasters as they didn't plan for it's "girth"

Wow Cat you garden looks fantastic! Look at those pumpkins ❤️

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