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30 October 2009
Oct 30, 2009 7:48 am
My husband is dead keen on getting a pool. I have my reservations - safety and ongoing expense being two big ones so I wanted to hear about other people's experiences. We'll be getting an above ground one and we have two young children (3 years and 8 months) if that makes a difference. * apart from ...
My husband is dead keen on getting a pool. I have my reservations - safety and ongoing expense being two big ones so I w...
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10 November 2008
Nov 10, 2008 8:48 am
[quote="Michelle"] I think I have posted this comment here before; yellows are NOT the best colours for small children’s rooms. Yellows are a rev up colour, it’s a colour I would put in a gym to keep everyone from falling asleep! [quote] Thanks for the advice - the thought of sleepless nig...
I think I have posted this comment here before; yellows are NOT the best colours for small children’s rooms. Yellows ar...
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29 October 2008
Oct 29, 2008 7:55 pm
I want to lay new carpet in my toddler's bedroom and I'm currently six months pregnant. Unfortunately I've been googling (always dangerous) and found some websites suggesting that new carpet gives off gases that are harmful to babies and pregnant women. Does any one have any further info on this? Do...
I want to lay new carpet in my toddler's bedroom and I'm currently six months pregnant. Unfortunately I've been googling...
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18 October 2008
Oct 18, 2008 4:02 pm
I'm after a pretty lemon colour to do the walls in my little girl's new bedroom (she's being booted out of the nursery because her sister is arriving in Feb :D ). I don't want it to be too dull and old ladyish, but also not so bright that it's going to give her a headache. There are two large window...
I'm after a pretty lemon colour to do the walls in my little girl's new bedroom (she's being booted out of the nursery b...
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4 September 2008
Sep 04, 2008 9:14 am
Yesterday I had two tradesmen here all day installing ducted heating and cooling in our roof. They were here all day and worked really hard and it was only after they left that I thought - should I have offered a cup of tea? Or water? They went out for lunch so I just assumed they would have whateve...
Yesterday I had two tradesmen here all day installing ducted heating and cooling in our roof. They were here all day and...
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1 September 2008
Sep 01, 2008 9:51 pm
Over this last winter, our house has only had a coonara wood heater in the family room and no heating in the bedrooms. It has been AWFUL. The novelty of a wood fire passed very quickly. Remember that wood is expensive - it's pretty much the most expensive form of heating you can get. If you don't bu...
Over this last winter, our house has only had a coonara wood heater in the family room and no heating in the bedrooms. I...
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25 August 2008
Aug 25, 2008 3:33 pm
Okey dokey - we went with the Clovelly and Kingston from Oz Design so this is the table : http://www.ozdesignfurniture.com.au/Product.aspx?product=984 and this is the coffee table: http://www.ozdesignfurniture.com.au/Product.aspx?product=3996 There are also two navy couches in the room from Freedom,...
Okey dokey - we went with the Clovelly and Kingston from Oz Design so this is the table : http://www.ozdesignfurniture.c...
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24 August 2008
Aug 24, 2008 9:47 pm
In our meals area (which is open plan with our family room) we've gone for a lovely oak dining setting and matching oak coffee table and side table. They're all in a natural stain so quite light coloured. They were all bought from the same shop so they all match. I'd now like to get a buffet and a l...
In our meals area (which is open plan with our family room) we've gone for a lovely oak dining setting and matching oak ...
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23 August 2008
Aug 23, 2008 8:00 pm
We want to get heating and cooling installed in our house and we've been told that because it's so low to the ground, the heating ducts will need to go through the ceiling. Which is fine, however it looks like evap cooling will be our best option (can't afford ducted cooling) so it means there will ...
We want to get heating and cooling installed in our house and we've been told that because it's so low to the ground, th...
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20 April 2008
Apr 20, 2008 9:46 am
Is it possible to soundproof a bedroom in an existing house? I ask because my 16 month old bub is a very light sleeper (this morning DH creaked a floorboard and she woke up and decided it was time to hit the day). We'd like baby no. 2 to arrive in the next 12 months or so and I'm afraid they will co...
Is it possible to soundproof a bedroom in an existing house? I ask because my 16 month old bub is a very light sleeper (...
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19 April 2008
Apr 19, 2008 9:11 pm
I know the split system that I want to buy, so do I just go into a shop and buy it, and then ring up an installer out of the local paper, to come and put it in? Or do I go to the installer first and do they buy it for me? And do I need to consult the installer first on the best place to put it? Or w...
I know the split system that I want to buy, so do I just go into a shop and buy it, and then ring up an installer out of...
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11 April 2008
Apr 11, 2008 9:16 pm
I watch BH & G most Friday nights and every week the guy with the curly hair comes on and whips up something fab in just a couple of hours using nothing more than a bit of 2 bee 4 and a shed full of industrial power tools. And I always wonder - is anyone in Australia actually going to build that...
I watch BH G most Friday nights and every week the guy with the curly hair comes on and whips up something fab in just a...
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10 April 2008
Apr 10, 2008 1:47 pm
We have a 26" LCD tv that we want to mount on the wall in the family room. The spot that we have chosen on the wall doesn't have a stud. Is there any way of mounting it without a stud?
We have a 26" LCD tv that we want to mount on the wall in the family room. The spot that we have chosen on the wall does...
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4 April 2008
Apr 04, 2008 8:43 am
Last week I had plasterers come in to give me a quote on putting a cornice throughout the house. I think it must be a small, fiddly job because the first guy didn't come back to give us a quote after measuring up and the second guy said he would do it as a cash job and wrote it on a post it note. I'...
Last week I had plasterers come in to give me a quote on putting a cornice throughout the house. I think it must be a sm...
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29 March 2008
Mar 29, 2008 2:59 pm
Does a reverse cycle unit have to be on a wall that goes outside? Or can it go onto a wall that connects to another room? Also, can it be mounted vertically or does it have to be horizontal?
Does a reverse cycle unit have to be on a wall that goes outside? Or can it go onto a wall that connects to another room...
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28 March 2008
Mar 28, 2008 8:33 pm
Did you mean repaint as in get a professional painter to do it or do it yourself (or herself I should say).
Did you mean repaint as in get a professional painter to do it or do it yourself (or herself I should say).
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19 March 2008
Mar 19, 2008 9:11 pm
Our shower recess has new dark brown/grey tiles with matching grout and after only using them for a week the soap is already showing up in the grout :? . Any suggestions on what to use on it to keep it looking good? (Something that's not going to eat away the grout).
Our shower recess has new dark brown/grey tiles with matching grout and after only using them for a week the soap is alr...
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5 March 2008
Mar 05, 2008 6:30 pm
At handover, the vendor gave us the keys to the doors but not the windows (I'm guessing they've lost them, not being *******). Is it possible to get a key recut from a window lock manufacturer?
At handover, the vendor gave us the keys to the doors but not the windows (I'm guessing they've lost them, not being ***...
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4 March 2008
Mar 04, 2008 6:38 pm
Okay I'm reviving an old thread here, but I've seen some really quirky ones : http://www.mailboxesandstuff.com/cars,_trains,_and_planes_mailboxes.htm http://www.artisticmailboxcreations.biz/prod01.htm http://www.uniquedecoronline.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=73 pity they'd just get...
Okay I'm reviving an old thread here, but I've seen some really quirky ones : http://www.mailboxesandstuff.com/cars,_ .....
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4 March 2008
Mar 04, 2008 4:44 pm
Sorry if this is a silly question, but will a chrome towel rail rust? I saw a bargain on ebay and I'm thinking of getting it, but if chrome is no good, I'll give it a miss....
Sorry if this is a silly question, but will a chrome towel rail rust? I saw a bargain on ebay and I'm thinking of gettin...
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