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Joined 26 July 2010
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27 July 2010
Jul 27, 2010 10:56 am
Hi PacmanOz, No easy answer to your question. 1. Correct method - the wires would need to be cut (by a qualified electrician) and rejoined to the lampholder. 2. ******* method - the cord could be looped a couple of times and tied up with electrical tape (or the like). This obviously won't look great...
Hi PacmanOz, No easy answer to your question. 1. Correct method - the wires would need to be cut (by a qualified electri...
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27 July 2010
Jul 27, 2010 10:47 am
Hi Sweetime I have exactly the same light in my hallway and entry and am very happy with the light output. Like most baten-fix lights they are only rated to 60Wmax incandescent lamp. I tried some compact fluoro lamps in them as well but they were physically larger and protruded out the bottom of the...
Hi Sweetime I have exactly the same light in my hallway and entry and am very happy with the light output. Like most bat...
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26 July 2010
Jul 26, 2010 5:39 pm
I concur completely with all that dymonite69 wrote in this thread. Numbers of blades is far less important than the other factors listed so thoroughly in that post. If "performance" were the only consideration then our choices would be a lot easier. Other factors like "Appearance"...
I concur completely with all that dymonite69 wrote in this thread. Numbers of blades is far less important than the othe...
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26 July 2010
Jul 26, 2010 5:16 pm
This one has a 26W compact fluoro which gives more light than a 100W halogen BUT they come with the Daylight lamps which are the cold, blueish colour that you didn't like. The lamps can be replaced with warmer colours called "Cool White" and "Warm White" from brands like Osram or...
This one has a 26W compact fluoro which gives more light than a 100W halogen BUT they come with the Daylight lamps which...
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26 July 2010
Jul 26, 2010 5:06 pm
If you cut the rods to 30cm then you could use 1 rod to do 3 fans - but you've probably already thought of this.
If you cut the rods to 30cm then you could use 1 rod to do 3 fans - but you've probably already thought of this.
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26 July 2010
Jul 26, 2010 4:56 pm
The shortest fan I know of is a brand called Hunter that has a model called a "Low Profile". You can check out it's specs at: http://www.hunterfans.com.au/view_fan.php?x=24372. Most modern fans are arleady set at their shortest rod length and to shorten them any more will result in a drop ...
The shortest fan I know of is a brand called Hunter that has a model called a Low Profile. You can check out it's specs ...
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26 July 2010
Jul 26, 2010 4:15 pm
Hi Petermet You have sized up well the fans for those rooms: 48" & 52" are popular choices for bedrooms and 52" & 56" are popular for living areas. If you want energy efficient lighting then go for something with at least a 26W fluoro which are available in both the Hunte...
Hi Petermet You have sized up well the fans for those rooms: 48 52 are popular choices for bedrooms and 52 56 are popula...
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