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9 March 2010
Mar 09, 2010 7:31 pm
Why was he buying it? I didn't bother to ask, but perhaps it was because he couldn't find the species elsewhere close by and was working on a Saturday. He was saying it was almost not worth buying.
I didn't bother to ask, but perhaps it was because he couldn't find the species elsewhere close by and was working on a...
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8 March 2010
Mar 08, 2010 9:46 pm
kek that thyme is a fantastic idea. Marjoram also. Bloody flick weed and Oxalis :evil: You're not wrong, Fu. The local wholesale nursery is infested with those two weeds. I overheard one of their landscaper customers cursing as he's pulling the weeds out of each plant he was buying.
You're not wrong, Fu. The local wholesale nursery is infested with those two weeds. I overheard one of their landscaper...
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8 March 2010
Mar 08, 2010 9:41 pm
jamiet, do they deliver ? Yes they do 7 days a week. It might be a bit pricey for you because you're on the other side of Sydney. Closer to you Southies is Menai Sand and Soil. They have a similar leaf mulch and also a Forest Floor mulch which appears to be leaf mulch that has been composted for 6 ...
Yes they do 7 days a week. It might be a bit pricey for you because you're on the other side of Sydney. Closer to you S...
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8 March 2010
Mar 08, 2010 6:34 pm
That Dichondra repens is one of the weeds I've been trying to eradicate amongst the pratia. It's a bugger to get rid of, only bettered by flickweed and oxalis. The Scaevola, especially a prostrate form and perhaps a Sedum look the most suitable.
That Dichondra repens is one of the weeds I've been trying to eradicate amongst the pratia. It's a bugger to get rid of,...
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8 March 2010
Mar 08, 2010 6:23 pm
Thanks folks..will look into your suggestions when I go to the nursery on Saturday. As Southies says, I'm in Sydney's north west. Incidentally, I just tried one of those green mulches. Turtle Nursery in Rouse Hill has it as 'leaf mulch'. It smells great and is full of leaves, sticks and offcuts but ...
Thanks folks..will look into your suggestions when I go to the nursery on Saturday. As Southies says, I'm in Sydney's no...
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8 March 2010
Mar 08, 2010 5:21 pm
Hi Folks, I'm looking for a tough groundcover, preferably a native, to go between my pavers and stepping stones. I currently have Pratia Pendunculata but this stuff hates the sun and burns off in Summer. It comes back in winter but in the meantime every weed that the Pratia was outcompeting germinat...
Hi Folks, I'm looking for a tough groundcover, preferably a native, to go between my pavers and stepping stones. I curre...
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14 September 2009
Sep 14, 2009 7:09 pm
Thanks Fu, Where do you get dwarf native frangipanis from and what is the scientific name? I have the normal ones (Hymenosporum flavum) down the side of my house (although 2 died due to being too close to the compressor fans from the Air Conditioner over summer). I'll check out the other plants you ...
Thanks Fu, Where do you get dwarf native frangipanis from and what is the scientific name? I have the normal ones (Hymen...
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14 September 2009
Sep 14, 2009 2:53 pm
Hi, I have been grappling with a problem in my front garden for a while now. I have a reasonably flat garden bed. The first row is Callistemon 'Little John' (bottle brush). I then have a row of Lomandra Tanika (grass-like). I have a row of 4 Magnolia Little Gem trees behind the Lomandras and then a ...
Hi, I have been grappling with a problem in my front garden for a while now. I have a reasonably flat garden bed. The fi...
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28 July 2009
Jul 28, 2009 6:22 pm
I'm running a Kordz HDMI extender for Foxtel. It's an interesting bit of kit. The extender works even without power, though not as reliably. You need to turn your devices off (as you should for any HDMI cable plugging and unplugging) before connecting this device to make it work reliably. Before you...
I'm running a Kordz HDMI extender for Foxtel. It's an interesting bit of kit. The extender works even without power, tho...
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28 July 2009
Jul 28, 2009 5:44 pm
I use CAT5/6 for telephone as well so I can easily switch between a network and telephone outlet. Foxtel boxes generally need phone connections as well. You'd be surprised how much gear uses ethernet (CAT5/6) these days. HT Receivers, Blu-ray and DVD players, PVRs, Media players, gaming machines (PS...
I use CAT5/6 for telephone as well so I can easily switch between a network and telephone outlet. Foxtel boxes generally...
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28 July 2009
Jul 28, 2009 5:17 pm
The C-Bus touchscreens support integration with a Logitech Squeezebox for audio duties. Add an Aaron Hifi ZA-100 amp or similar if you need it and you have a much cheaper solution than SONOS.
The C-Bus touchscreens support integration with a Logitech Squeezebox for audio duties. Add an Aaron Hifi ZA-100 amp or ...
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15 July 2009
Jul 15, 2009 2:54 pm
Thanks again Fu. I went past PlantMark again today, actually scouring for some plants and had a look again at some of the products. The GroundBreaker stuff (in my initial post) looks pretty nasty. The directions say to hose off from foliage after you use it, water it in well the next day and to avoi...
Thanks again Fu. I went past PlantMark again today, actually scouring for some plants and had a look again at some of th...
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15 July 2009
Jul 15, 2009 9:44 am
Thanks everyone for their suggentions. Fu, the other products I mentioned - (Liquid Humate and Seasol +) are both made by Seasol. I just asked because those two products come in much larger amounts than the Powerfeed and Seasol. I was also wondering what the difference was between those commercial p...
Thanks everyone for their suggentions. Fu, the other products I mentioned - (Liquid Humate and Seasol +) are both made b...
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13 July 2009
Jul 13, 2009 10:48 am
Yeah for sure. I'm thinking of using a few empty Seasol spray packs to hold the concentrated amounts overnight and then connecting and spraying on with a hose.
Yeah for sure. I'm thinking of using a few empty Seasol spray packs to hold the concentrated amounts overnight and then ...
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13 July 2009
Jul 13, 2009 10:37 am
No...didn't dissolve it in hot water first. It's a bit difficult to do that for 20 or 30 watering cans worth so I only used the molasses on one small area so far. I'm not sure how to work out the logistics yet. I might be able to work out something with an empty Seasol spray on pack because they cov...
No...didn't dissolve it in hot water first. It's a bit difficult to do that for 20 or 30 watering cans worth so I only u...
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13 July 2009
Jul 13, 2009 10:03 am
Hi folks, I've been following a few threads here silently and trying Fu Manchu's suggestions with the soil improvement. I've bought a stack of Seasol and Powerfeed along with some Molasses (though the missus is a bit confused about it all). I've already given the soil a couple of treatments, althoug...
Hi folks, I've been following a few threads here silently and trying Fu Manchu's suggestions with the soil improvement. ...
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30 June 2009
Jun 30, 2009 6:48 pm
Apollo Floor Sanding (02) 4572 5348 They do all the work for Sydney Flooring. One caveat - if it is a new home, make sure you have light fittings installed beforehand or they will refuse to do the final coat. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for.
Apollo Floor Sanding (02) 4572 5348 They do all the work for Sydney Flooring. One caveat - if it is a new home, make sur...
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15 May 2009
May 15, 2009 12:47 pm
I have two return air vents side by side, mounted in the ceiling of my bedrooms/laundry/bathroom hallway. The reason for the doubling of the vents is to reduce the noise of those vents (which are nearly always far too small for the amount of air they need to handle - add up the sizes of your output ...
I have two return air vents side by side, mounted in the ceiling of my bedrooms/laundry/bathroom hallway. The reason for...
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11 May 2009
May 11, 2009 6:18 pm
In Sydney, Solatubes (290mm) with a chrome surround and flush mounting cost about $1500 (each) installed for a 2.2m tube. These models are their current models with the brighter (more reflective) tubes, not the old models. A Skydome tube is slightly cheaper but much less brighter. I don't know where...
In Sydney, Solatubes (290mm) with a chrome surround and flush mounting cost about $1500 (each) installed for a 2.2m tube...
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9 March 2009
Mar 09, 2009 2:46 pm
Apollo Floor Sanding 4572 5348 - Jamie Bezzina. They do the sanding and polishing for Sydney Flooring as well as private jobs. You'll need your lights installed and working before they will put the final coat on though. They also do decks.
Apollo Floor Sanding 4572 5348 - Jamie Bezzina. They do the sanding and polishing for Sydney Flooring as well as private...
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