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Joined 7 July 2022
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5 April 2023
Apr 05, 2023 5:08 pm
Surely the insurance can just be extend if the build goes over anyway. There isn't any need to. As I wrote previously, there isn't a set term, there is just commencement based on earlier of contract signing or building permit issue and conclusion at the end of the structural and non-structural warr...
There isn't any need to. As I wrote previously, there isn't a set term, there is just commencement based on earlier of ...
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5 April 2023
Apr 05, 2023 10:10 am
We've just signed a contract with a competitor of Porter Davis and they immediately invoiced us for the deposit without DBI/VMIA in place. The way they explained it is because the VMIA/DBI only lasts 12 months, they leave it til after the building permit is issued to lodge to ensure it covers the l...
That's a good move and if its a standard HIA contract without amendments, they shouldn't be asking for a deposit before...
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5 April 2023
Apr 05, 2023 9:55 am
Thanks for that info, we have lodged a claim with the VMIA so we will let that run its course and see what help they can provide and it sounds like the liquidators are trying to secure builders for people like us that are halfway through the build to take over, wont know until the coming weeks thou...
That's good to hear. It sounds like you're in a better position than most, as it seems like they pushed a lot of their ...
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4 April 2023
Apr 04, 2023 5:19 pm
Hi all, Our heart goes out to all the others in the same boat, hoping for some clarity and resolutions in the weeks to come. We were building with Porter Davis and are wondering as well as applying for insurance can we also send cost of defects list and price difference to finish house to the liqui...
Really sorry to hear you have been caught up in all of this. I've been through this before but from the perspective of ...
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16 March 2023
Mar 16, 2023 9:18 pm
Single storey shouldn't get to $600k assuming it's your standard suburban dwelling. Even double storey should be able to be under. A lot would depend on finishes and extent of site works required, so i don't think you should really go by anything on here. No one is right or wrong, there's simply not...
Single storey shouldn't get to $600k assuming it's your standard suburban dwelling. Even double storey should be able to...
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6 March 2023
Mar 06, 2023 8:47 pm
Hi Flacco, Unlikely you'll get insurance on the structure. Insurers generally won't provide insurance to a non builder for what is basically a building site - especially at just 60% completion. This is from experience from taking over half complete projects. I've completed one where the owner did ge...
Hi Flacco, Unlikely you'll get insurance on the structure. Insurers generally won't provide insurance to a non builder f...
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11 July 2022
Jul 11, 2022 7:59 pm
If im interpreting your post correctly, end bearing doesnt matter (in the typical masonry opening lintel sense), as the columns are picking up the beam. The angle is just welded to the back of the PFC to take the brick or whatever other wall you have sitting above the window. Even though it is made ...
If im interpreting your post correctly, end bearing doesnt matter (in the typical masonry opening lintel sense), as the ...
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7 July 2022
Jul 07, 2022 11:46 am
They probably mean none of the documentation needs amendment and so all of the drawings and reports can simply be re-used (unless you are planning to amend). The permit would need to be re-issued with the a new builder's registration.
They probably mean none of the documentation needs amendment and so all of the drawings and reports can simply be re-use...
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7 July 2022
Jul 07, 2022 11:28 am
I really feel for everyone impacted. From the stories here it sounds like all the usual rubbish by a builder prior to an insolvency event. I noticed some people unsure about having all their drawings and documents. Remember that the building surveyor in theory works for you the Owner, not the builde...
I really feel for everyone impacted. From the stories here it sounds like all the usual rubbish by a builder prior to an...
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