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11 November 2023
Nov 11, 2023 3:52 pm
I've got a challenge here. Background is the builder has cut too deep for the slab and the slab is now below the very substantial retaining wall. It's failed occupancy as the rules are that there needs to be a fall away from the slab. There's a Ag drain about 50cm out from the slab and that works gr...
I've got a challenge here. Background is the builder has cut too deep for the slab and the slab is now below the very su...
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26 October 2021
Oct 26, 2021 3:52 pm
I'm working on the slab perimeter and am going to put in a 900mm gravel skirt around the house on top of some geofabric. I've got an ag-drain at about 900mm so I want to grade it from the slab to the ag drain. I've bought a hand tamper. The level around the slab is uneven so my question is how do yo...
I'm working on the slab perimeter and am going to put in a 900mm gravel skirt around the house on top of some geofabric....
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18 October 2021
Oct 18, 2021 5:52 am
I'm trying to work out the sequence of events for a piece of landscaping i'm DYI. I've built a retaining wall to level out the soil between us and the neighbours who's slab is about 400mm higher. What we want to do now is scrape the soil to ultimately replace it with better growing soil (currently c...
I'm trying to work out the sequence of events for a piece of landscaping i'm DYI. I've built a retaining wall to level o...
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7 October 2021
Oct 07, 2021 6:13 am
Just a quick question on where the rainwater pump should connect to the tank? The tank came with one outlet valve towards the base of the tank which is where it's currently plumbed into. Recently, we had some issues and the supplier came out and said the pump needs to be connected further up and the...
Just a quick question on where the rainwater pump should connect to the tank? The tank came with one outlet valve toward...
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2 October 2021
Oct 02, 2021 11:08 am
Swings and roundabouts owning your own house.
Swings and roundabouts owning your own house.
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2 October 2021
Oct 02, 2021 10:57 am
Good to hear. No fun having bad relations with your neighbours.
Good to hear. No fun having bad relations with your neighbours.
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2 October 2021
Oct 02, 2021 10:44 am
Ouch. How is that even allowed by council. A few more bricks and it would have been an attached dwelling and saved more bricks lol.
Ouch. How is that even allowed by council. A few more bricks and it would have been an attached dwelling and saved more ...
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2 October 2021
Oct 02, 2021 10:33 am
I'm working on a retaining wall and dug some holes to confirm where the pipes are and found this. I have a charged tank for the rainwater. The direction of this Y-join seems to be facing the wrong way - at least it doesn't fit with my high school physics classes Any thoughts why the plumber / builde...
I'm working on a retaining wall and dug some holes to confirm where the pipes are and found this. I have a charged tank ...
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2 October 2021
Oct 02, 2021 7:22 am
Cool thanks for that. Just looking at the Osmo range - would you use the Teak oil for external WRC windows?
Cool thanks for that. Just looking at the Osmo range - would you use the Teak oil for external WRC windows?
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29 September 2021
Sep 29, 2021 8:28 pm
Hi, We've just moved into a newly built house with plenty more to do so will likely be a regular here! :-) First step - the western red cedar windows have been coated with a water based varnish (Johnstones Clear). But in hindsight, we've realised we want to oil them with something like Intergrain Na...
Hi, We've just moved into a newly built house with plenty more to do so will likely be a regular here! First step - the ...
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