As for installation, why not DIY. Quite easy if your land is flat. Will save you $$$.
Browse Forums Landscape & Garden Design Re: Synthetic Grass 24Apr 13, 2009 6:41 pm Fu Manchu Not a fan of it at all. If only you knew what was used to produce your new enviro friendly turf A hell of a lot of water and chemicals. A really good turf can be easy with great soil prep and the right turf choice. A real lawn can produce massive amounts of oxygen and have the cooling effects on your property of many air conditioners. Lawn just shouldn't shine in the sun either. How true. DIY, Home Maintenance & Repair Please help me to answer this question , it will help me a lot as i can go to buy confidently with your recommendation: I want to put synthetic turf in our backyard for… 0 11342 Help!! I’m meant to start building soon and have only really just learnt about orientation. Im reading so much that no grass will grow on the heavily shaded south… 0 16696 |