Our builder issued us a variation to upgrade our gas supply. Our single-storey dwelling comprises of a main house and ancillary dwelling all under one roof... so 2 x Gas HWUs, 2 x Gas cooktops, 2 x Gas fireplaces - all documented on the plans.
When we asked for another HWU to service our kitchen, we were told we would need a gas upgrade, however, turns out we needed the upgrade BEFORE we even asked for the extra unit.
So, they screwed up, were non-compliant on the certificate of design (which includes gas installation compliance) and tried to use the introduction of the 3rd HWU to make us responsible.
At the time, we felt we had no choice but to accept the $3500 variance and signed off on it. Now I have done more research on it, I don't believe we should be liable for the extra expense.
My question therefore is, once you sign a variation, is there any way to reverse it?