Browse Forums Landscape & Garden Design Re: Tree dimensions 5Apr 30, 2017 11:06 pm Advanced tree nurseries will have skills and knowledge on trees beyond what garden centres offer. They will also tend to have healthier trees, as growing trees in containers incorrectly or for too long can create their own set of problems. Building Standards; Getting It Right! I found ... -it-right/ which states if tpz encroachment is greater than 30% then do not proceed. My question then is, is this… 1 14276 Well, it was the default we got with our deign, walking through the build last week felt ok, based on drawings on the floor, it is basically a metre, which is quite a big… 3 8266 Fellow Perth dweller. Looks like pruns nigra. It's a dark leaf flowering plum. Doesn't get massive and is easily trimmed deciduous tree. Very popular in small gardens in Perth 7 10944 |