Browse Forums Home Finance Re: CBA construction loan - out of contract items 2Nov 02, 2022 1:45 pm Rebecca Jarrett-Dalton Property crazy expert mortgage broker, love building new homes! Two Red Shoes mortgage broker Re: CBA construction loan - out of contract items 5Nov 03, 2022 1:09 pm Hi Noname, Yes we paid the contributions to the bank and then they would pay trades from that. I received confirmation that the bank will reimburse funds at completion of the build, however it could be an issue if it isnt like-for-like for materials (i.e. if we picked lower value materials to save money, affecting valuation). Hope this helps someone in the future too! How to calculate provision sum and margin? We are nearing completion and have received the final invoice which includes unexpected expenses for provisioned items. The… 0 16269 Can someone pls help with advice. My husband and I live in NSW and own a land in Tasmania. We were pre-approved to build a home( owner occupier). My husband is working… 0 12017 Hi there, I’m a current home owner looking for advice/insight on the financing aspect of purchasing land and an existing house, splitting the title to build 2 duplexes,… 0 5200 |