Browse Forums Pools & Spas 1 Nov 29, 2008 1:11 pm Following on from my previous post called "Fencing Arrogance", I am now looking for some shared wisdom about a drama with the pool fence.
Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ The pool, which currently has a temporary fence, has been built close to the boundary and they are proposing to use the boundary fence as part of the pool fence. The problem is that the boundary fence butts up against a 3.5 metre high rock retaining wall that runs through both our back yards. I have read the pool fence regulations about ensuring there is a clear span of 900mm (measured at all angles) from the top of the fence to any climbable structure. This fence is right next to a climbable structure! First I contacted the pool certifiers who pleaded ignorance about the height of the rock wall. I then had a meeting onsite with the pool builder who states that they will be using a type of chicken wire on the rocks on their side of the fence and has suggested I might like to do the same (no, thank you). They then suggested that if I chose not to I may be assuming responsibility for any accidents. But my argument is that it's not like I built a garden shed right next to their pool fence. This rock wall is a permanent structure that was there before either block was titled and long before the pool was planned. Shouldn't the owner of the pool have to get compliance right from the outset, rather than rely on me to guard the weak point? It was next suggested that a barbed wire fence be installed on top of the 1.8m boundary fence. Hmmm, I wonder if that was a proposal or a threat? A final suggestion was for a perspex screen above the fence. Not sure how high that would have to go or how it would be affixed! Once again I'm left thinking that not enough planning has gone into this and that the people responsible hope I'll just shrug my shoulders and let it slide. Any advice? Visit my blog: Re: Pool fence - how can they do that? 2Nov 29, 2008 1:15 pm Sounds like a council problem - nothing to do with you. I would report it.
It's their duty of care here, they are liable. "ECOECO" At 'EcoEco', we design windows, we design the best windows, we do it for you, so that when you’re happy we are happy. Tel. 1800 326 326 Re: Pool fence - how can they do that? 3Nov 29, 2008 1:19 pm The council passed me to the private certifier, who passed me to the pool builder, with whom I had the conversation above.
I have also spoken to the owners who are interstate and weren't even aware they were getting "chicken wire". Visit my blog: Re: Pool fence - how can they do that? 4Nov 29, 2008 3:29 pm I wouldn't imagine they could put up barbed wire surely? I know in WA it's illegal to use it in a suburban situation.
Hmm they could grown hedging plants instead of the chicken wire. something non-climbable of cause. Blog Build Yard Re: Pool fence - how can they do that? 6Nov 29, 2008 4:17 pm I thought it was the councils responsibility to ensure that pool fencing meets all the regulatory requirements - and I'm sure barbed wire is illegal everywhere. The whole thing sounds really ******* to me - there must be someone you can dob them into - that arrangement sounds very unsafe. Built a Clarendon 'Balmain' 2008 Re: Pool fence - how can they do that? 9Nov 29, 2008 10:29 pm You would think that there has to be some sort of structural engineering requirements for that wall? and therefore some liability for its safett and its construction???
Fire up and take it higher in council. It could mean life or death if one of those babies fall!!!! ![]() ![]() Re: Pool fence - how can they do that? 10Nov 30, 2008 8:39 am As I think about it further it seems to me that in addition to climbing issues there is also effectively a "gap" in their fencing.
They will have a 1.8m fence along the back of their property, on the top of their rock wall, and a 1.8m fence along the side boundary. But the side fence does not link up with the back fence unless you consider the rock retaining wall to be part of the pool fence, which of course it's not. I can't visualise any satisfactory solutions that won't block light or air, or just look ugly, which comes back to my argument that this should have been thought about BEFORE the pool went in so an appropriate internal pool fence could have been planned. Visit my blog: photos would help, the fence is usually centred on the boundary, ie middle of post on 1 9930 Hello I've just bought a house where the slab is lower than the street, (but roof is higher than the kerb). So there's some negative grade at the front. The yard very… 0 11378 Hello, I am looking to install a fence but I tried to dig the holes with a post digger I realised the sand is very runny. Very, very runny. It just slides off the sides… 0 24696 |