Browse Forums Kitchen Splashbacks 1 Apr 23, 2008 12:20 pm Hi Everyone,
I went out to our house yesterday (we are building in Brisbane and have about 5 weeks left until practical completion) as our S/S told me that our glass splashback had been installed in the kitchen. It's locked up and I was just going to peek through the windows but a kind contractor left one of the back windows unlocked. I was a bit shocked to see the splashback as it had joins in it. Two joins to be more specific. I don't have any pictures yet as I didn't have a camera, but we have a galley style kitchen with overhead and underbench cupboards where the cooktop sits. The glass splashback is 3.2 metres long, with two joins where the overhead cupboards sit directly above. When we did our color selection our consultant told us that if the area to be covered was under 3.6 metres, the splashback would not have a join, and it would be one piece of glass. I also rang the interior section yesterday just to double check this, and she was correct. Because ours is 3.2 metres, we expected no joins and this was the reason why I selected the splashback. Had it had joins, I probably would have gone with tiles as I absolutely did not want a join, but now I have two! Now, I have reported this to our CSR and SS and they are checking up on it for me. I am angry at myself for not getting this in writing at the time. I'm not sure what the outcome will be. I'm also not sure if it does really look bad or whether I don't like it because it's not what I was expected. The reason I wanted a glass splashback is because you get a lovely sense of a clean, clear open space and I just don't get this with it having the joins in it. If I wanted joins, I would have chosen tiles. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? I'm not sure whether I'm being petty here. There are a few other things in regards to our house that I have been willing to compromise on, but I am absolutely not wanting to compromise on this, I was really excited about being able to have this feature in my kitchen and now it hasn't turned out how I was expecting it to. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for your help! Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 2Apr 23, 2008 12:32 pm I don't think I've ever seen a glass splashback with a join.
I wouldn't be happy either!!! Ray. Second Time 'Round Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 3Apr 23, 2008 12:35 pm This is a Non Trivial issue.
If you were told one piece then that is what you should get and no you are not being petty. I have seen plenty of glass splashbacks with a join, but as you said, you wanted a simple clean finish, so you went for glass - that is a big single piece of glass though - but if you based your choice on this fact then you should be getting it. I know I couldn't get away with that sort of nonsense...but my customers sign copies of all plans and elevations along with a document detailing exactly this sort of thing. Cheers, Earl Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 4Apr 23, 2008 12:51 pm vegimite, we had our glass splash back installed last week and we also have 2 joins in ours... (but our splash back is slightly longer at ~3.7m total)
we checked our contract drawings and the joins are shown on the kitchen elevations, so I don't think there is anything we can do about them.... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ do your contract drawings show the joins? Plantation Homes - The Meridian - Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 5Apr 23, 2008 12:52 pm Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 6Apr 23, 2008 1:43 pm I saw this at a kitchen display centre the other day. Took me a while to figure out why there was a join....but it was like Matt's where the splash back went up higher behind the range hood....yours might not be like this but something to check ![]() 'chelle We have a hand-over date...15/10...but I won't hold my breath! Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 7Apr 23, 2008 1:44 pm Damo, I've just checked our contract drawings and the joins are noted in there as yours were. We had our contract appointment before our color appointment and it was in the color appointment that we asked about the join and they told us there would be no join.
Because this is in our signed contract, I realise there maybe is not much we can do about this. I'm not sure whether to take it any further. I wasn't aware that it was those lines in the contract that specified there were joins in the glass and we were told otherwise. Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 8Apr 23, 2008 1:46 pm 'chelle ours is not like Matt's where the splashback goes up behind the rangehood. If it did, I would understand why the joins were there. The splashback is a standard rectangle and there is a painted wall above, as is indicated in Damo's plans. Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 9Apr 23, 2008 1:51 pm BTW ours is 5 pieces
1 each side 1 in the middle lower and 2 in the top either side of the cooking vent thingee (rangehood) Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 10Apr 23, 2008 7:31 pm That must be so disappointing vegmite. We are not even getting glass splashback, but I would be so upset if I was and ended up with two joins when promised none. I agree with Strumer - a Non Trivial issue, most assuredly.
I do hope you get it sorted out. Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 11Apr 23, 2008 7:49 pm Joins occur when the glass has a difference in height,
yu can see the join in mine where the window sill is, there are two joins at either side. Paula Re: Joins in Glass Splashback 12Apr 24, 2008 5:15 pm Thanks for all your supportive comments.
I have good news. Our supervisor just rang and left a message and said that they are replacing the splashback. The lines in the plan were a drafting error but because we actually signed off on them they wouldn't usually be replacing it. It's only because we were told that it would be one piece of glass is why it's getting replaced. I am so glad that I kept with it! On the other hand, our painter can't be in until Tuesday so that puts our practical completion date back a bit but I'd rather have a kitchen I'm happy to cook in than be in a bit earlier!!! I will post some recent pictures soon. 1 6349 2 10848 Approvals are covered in the cost we are paying to the pool company. The only thing stated in our home build contract for the additional cost is engineering support. … 3 24510 |