Hello Guys
I am moving interstate with my brother. We both trying to find suitable ways to move our fridge without breaking anything.
Can you guide us or give some tips?
Browse Forums Kitchen Appliances Re: How to move a fridge 2Oct 18, 2018 8:52 pm The Harder You Try - the Luckier You Get ! Web site http://www.anewhouse.com.au Informative, Amusing, and Opinionated Blog - Over 600 posts on all aspects of building a new house. Re: How to move a fridge 4Jan 20, 2020 9:21 pm The main thing is to firmly fix it with ropes and, as far as possible, fix it motionless on the surface. It is also better to transport such things in an upright position. Re: How to move a fridge 5Apr 15, 2020 10:14 pm You may follow this steps, 1. Clean out and defrost the unit. 2. Disconnect the fridge according to the user manual. 3. Measure the fridge and doorways then create a moving plan. 4. Remove obstacles like doors as necessary. 5. Slide fridge out and strap onto the trolly. 6. Tilt the fridge back and move with care (slowly). 7. Take extra precaution going down steps. 8. Guide fridge into moving truck. 9. Secure the refrigerator for the move. 10. Wait before plugging in and adding food. Hmm, it really depends. We havent got our driveway done or landscaping but buildcert is happy to issue a partial OC to let us occupy. But, this doesnt always happen, some… 1 24798 DIY, Home Maintenance & Repair Hey all, Bought a newly renovated house a year ago and it came with a lovely, new Husky side by fridge. It gets used 6 weeks a year, at most, as its huge and no point… 0 8086 |