I have recently put in an order for the Thermomix. Its an expensive kitchen appliance, however with a Coeliac family I am looking to get this to assist me with our cooking.
All my cooking is from scratch due to the amount of "gluten"additives in foods. So much so that even legos tomato paste has barley in it.
I have debated for some time about it due to the cost but I had a demo last week and was sold on it. The lady (school mum friend) cooked 6 different dishes in 2 hours.
I work full time, study full time so time is limited.
I spend a lot of time in the kitchen creating dishes from scratch due to so many foods with gluten in them.
for my son we have a regular hurdle of wanting things like other kids - i.e. at parties.
This will assist me in grinding different things for the flours we use. For us this will save us money due to the cost of gluten free products.
I would love to hear from others who have them, what are your favourite recipes etc.
This is not a Thermomix debate because I know its expensive and if I did not have Coeliac kids I would never have purchased one.