We're in dire need of some assistance with colours.
Our new house is currently white cladding with a terracotta tiled roof and is being painted on Monday. We're thinking when we re-roof soon it'll be Colorbond WIndspray for roof and gutters, white fascias and window frames and perhaps half strength of whatever the walls are under the eaves (... or same colour as fascia I don't know?).
We LOVE this look though perhaps not as dark or as green with the grey:
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-m_qGzz3H9M/S ... Bhouse.jpg
I went to Bunnings this morning and bought a few sample pots and we're going to put some patches on the front of the house today. The only things is I'm so confused! I don't want a blue house or a purple house or a brown house but every grey i pick up seems to look like one of those colours after a while or looking at the swatch...
I picked up Dulux Limed WHite full strength and also another pot of half strength but now I look at it it's more of a latte colour.... I also picked up a pot of DUlux Flooded Gum. I don't want it too dark though...
This is all so confusing... thoughts? Discussion? Pulease?!?
Edit: Also, do you think since we're having a grey roof AND similar grey cladding that the roof should be darker or lighter than the cladding? Like if we were having Surfmist roof (my original choice) it would clearly be lighter... I just don't want the grey to just merge into one and it be a boring grey house, you know? Am I making sense? No...