Browse Forums Interior Decorating Lounge 1 Sep 04, 2024 5:57 pm We're trying to decide on interior colours for a new build we have surfmist window frames and spotted gum floors throughout the house I'm trying to picture how Casper white quarter walls would look with glossy surfmist doors and trims, and then either white roof such as vivid white or casper 1/4 roof has anybody got any pictures of anything like this? all I can find when I search for darker trims / doors is white walls with very dark doors / trims I'm thinking the casper white quarter walls which is a very light shade of grey (almost white) might tie in will with the darker grey surfmist doors / trims and also match the window frames the house is only small though (around 25 sqm), so I'm worried the darker doors and trims along with the spotted gum floors might make it appear to small? Old Home Restoration / Renovation Thanks for the feedback. It is the internal brick work on the internal perimeter only. Apart from the rear wall of the house there is not a lot as there are ceiling to… 2 6035 Thank you so much. We ended going with the terrain that’s part of our brick. 2 15439 Hello, I live in a brick veneer house built in the late 1960's/early 1970's so I'm aware it has asbestos in certain areas: eaves and laundry. However the bathroom has… 0 8087 |