Browse Forums Interior Decorating Lounge 1 Oct 17, 2022 11:22 am We have a small bulkhead at the top corner if rumpus area to cover AC vent. Appreciate any ideas to disguise it. We have thought of few options 1) make a cupboard underneath but as it is in front of stairs not sure if that is a good idea. 2) extend bulkhead to all corners. This is likely to redice cwiling hwight ans also will come in fromt of large window. Any suggestions welcome Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Himanshu your new kitchen and living area looks great and we need accurate dimensions to be specific but with the thickness of the brick column you may be able to line the inside… 1 10583 I recently finished my house and after landscaping, have begun to plan a fence. To be honest its been a bit of an afterthought so I'm after some much needed advice. The… 0 19100 To address your needs for your east-facing front yard with its unique elements, let's break down the solutions based on your… 1 21570 |