I have been poking around this forum for some time but i think it’s time to start telling my tale.
Our renovation/extension is underway after nearly 10 years of planning. Much has been learned and many mistakes have been made to this point and lots of money has been wasted. However, we have also had some wins and fingers crossed we will have something pretty special in less than six months time.
So what’s this 60 thousand dollar step all about?
Well....... it all starts with an inner west Edwardian built at the turn of last century, anyone EVER uses the phrase 'they don't build em like they used to' with me again, and I'll get quite cross. The majority of homes built before the invention of the nail gun and KDH were crap, rubbish, a hotch potch tin shacks covered in lathen plaster. Not to mention the even dodgier remedial work done on them in more recent decades.
60 thousand dollar step?? getting to the point anytime soon?
Ok from day one ,when our second shot at getting a design together, we were told that because our house was so low set (ground clearance zero) we would have to have a step into any new construction. NO we don’t want a step...hate it .. we want a seamless transition into our extension.
OK you will have to have a Slab
Didn’t like that idea but slowly warmed to it, but it would be cold in winter ...right? Ok lets heat it then, along comes Hydronic heating. NICE...... and expensive. Right now what floor covering shall we go for? Tiles ...nah too much maintenance, carpet? yuck, timber? ...doesn’t play well with a heated subfloor.....POLISHED CONCRETE? NICE..........and VERY expensive.
Our contract still has a note on it that states if we decide to ditch the slab, go with stumps we will get an 8k credit...and that includes over 60sqm of tassie oak. So I'm guessing you all have worked out by now how expensive that little itty bitty step in the hallway would have saved me.
Before anyone chirps in with "why don’t you' let me counter with I know I know...I'm nuts. All things considered we are very happy with the decisions made and are going to end up with a pretty high spec home that we intend to live in for a very long time.
That’s the planning done, next comes the build, which has been underway for seven weeks now. Lots to tell but i need to take a moment before I write about the budget carnage that was day one... unless you all want me to stop.