My house is at the almost lowest point in the area, with two street sides - South and East. Dimension of the land is approx 28m*17m.
In the diagram, the black numbers are the elevation in cm, compared to the lowest point on the land. Black arrows show the direction of the down slopes.
The house is on stumps, with the height of around 40cm at the back (North side), 25-30 cm at the entrance door (SE), and only around 5cm at the front (South side).
Two East-side downpipes (cyan X ) take rainwater from 2/3 of the roof to the street at the NE corner of the land. I couldn't measure the elevation of the street at the NE corner, but I guess it's around -5cm.
The remaining 1/3 goes to the West-side downpipe (blue X ), which then goes to an underground trench toward the NW side of the land.
At the end of the driveway, in front of the garage is a trench drain (blue line), connected to a pipe and then to an underground trench toward the East side of the land.
The red-coloured areas are raised (around 5-10cm) garden-beds.
I have two problems to solve:
- In heavy rain, water buildup in front of the garage, at the lowest points toward the NE and NW of the garden. The worst happened during heavy rain in Sydney last year, there was water under the house (where the number 0 in the diagram is, which is about 3-5cm lower than the concrete strip at the North side of the land.
- I've seen many recommendations about not having garden-beds next to the perimeter walls of the house.
What I have been trying to do:
- Install a wet pipe from the blue downpipe Southward to the street.
- Install a pipe from the front of the garage Eastward to the street. This pipe is around 8m long, with an elevation difference of only about 10cm or less, I don't have much hope.
May I seek your advice? What improvements should I make to the drainage? What should I replace the garden-beds with?
Thank you very much.
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